View Full Version : Terrified 😨 (Possible trigger warning Covid)

20-02-21, 03:29
Hoping this is the right place for this?
(Long post)

Hi I'm not new to NMP however it's been a long time since I was here, I did post back then but can't seem to find any, anyhow.....

A little about me, I'm 36 female, bringing up 3 boys who are 6, 10 and 12 alone, I have had bouts of extreme crippling health anxiety since I was 16, I'd always been a "nervous child" but it spiralled out if control following the death of my dad at 15. Since then I have had relapses, some really bad like now and some that I was more in control of.
I have done CBT twice had counselling and have been on a few different medications, currently Venlafaxine, propranolol and a tiny dose of Clonazepam (Stopped working long ago so have been very very slowly tapering, though have been on a half of 0.5mg for well over a year)

I had been having various symptoms which I was sure was my hypothyroidism however being too afraid to go to the Drs due to covid I just kept putting it off. Cut a long story short on Monday I finally called my GP and when I told him that I need my thyroid levels checked due to these new symptoms he was quite surprised and asked what made me think it was my thyroid? And that I did need that checked but also he wanted to check my sugars annnnd BOOM!!!
Oh no I think I have diabetes!!!
I managed to get my bloods taken that day although I had to go to the hospital to have them done which really scared me, I also had to get 2 taxis, I called my mum in tears desperately anxious and she said she would come and stay with me, she is shielding as she is extremely vulnerable, I told her I was afraid she'd get covid but she said I needed her and she came.

A few days later I spoke to my GP who said that my bloods showed that my thyroid is still under and he would increase my meds and also that my whilte blood cell count was slightly raised which suggests an infection, I've had a burning throat and white spots on my tonsils so I guess I have a throat infection.
But thank God no diabetes!
I thought great my anxiety will pass now......yeah....no unfortunately my mind decided otherwise!
I then began to worry about my thyroid (never really worried me before) but the hardest thing to deal with right now is that I'm terrified my mum will get covid, as well as myself and close family members and there is nothing I can do, we as a family are crazily careful and rarely go out at all other than for meds or click and collect shopping but recently as I said I had to take taxis and my mum goes to get her bloods done and other health appointments when needed, so now I'm terrified! I'm thinking that I will ask my mum to go back home tomorrow as I feel she will be safer, do I feel I need her? Yes definitely especially as I have my boys to care for but I will just have to get through it somehow 😭

Sorry for the long post.

20-02-21, 09:07
Sorry that you’ve been through a tough time.
Anxiety won’t just stop because you had better news, it will find another outlet instead unless you start to try and stop it. I understand that’s hard, it is.

Has your Mum not had a vaccine yet if she’s shielding?

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20-02-21, 12:32

You did join in 2017 but this is your first ever post unless you used another forum name.

Just to let you know anyway.

21-02-21, 02:35
Scass thanks for taking the time to reply to my post, I have dealt with this many times, enough to know that you are 100% right and the crazy thing is that even though I know this I can't rationalise my thoughts right now, I'm in that panicky phase where my mind races from one thought to another, as soon as I manage to stop worrying about one thing another pops up, I know I will be ok and that I will get through this as I have so many times but It's going through it that is a total nightmare 😏
My mum is still waiting, she received a letter from her GP saying they haven't forgotten about her and that she is on the list but no appointment yet 😔

Thanks again

21-02-21, 02:37
nomorepanic: Ahh I see that makes sense then, I was on other forums, I guess at that time my mind was so preoccupied with my anxiety that I don't remember whether I posted or not but thank you for clearing that up for me 🙂