View Full Version : Increase in Ectopic Frequency

22-02-21, 10:19
Hi guys,

I am new to this but wanted to see if others have this experience. I have dealt with ectopics for many years now (age 25) but I woke up recently and one day I was having as many as 5 a minute.

Some minutes I can have none and even go as long as half an hour without any then bam back to 5 a minute for hours. I get almost none during the night and none during exercise but I do after.

My GP and cardiologist has told me my echo and holter from 5 years ago is still relevant and in a structurally normal heart I have nothing to worry about. I get SVT which neither my GP or cardiologist is worried about.

How can I suddenly go from hundreds a day to now maybe thousands, and it be considered normal!?

I'm scared something has happened since my last echocardiogram.

How many ectopics do you guys get a day?

Thanks anyone!

22-02-21, 12:33
Positiveg1… I also have SVT (paroxysmal with aberration). I’ve had episodes when the ectopics were every two or three seconds almost continuously for twenty-four hour periods. They started when I was in my early twenties, and I thought then that there must be something very seriously wrong. My GP at that time did an ECG and told me that, in his opinion, I had a benign arrhythmia which although a nuisance would never kill me. After nigh on forty years since, and many ECGs and associated tests which eventually confirmed the PSVT diagnosis, I’m still alive and still having ectopics.

22-02-21, 12:44

Thank you for the reply I appreciate it. Wow, how are you able to distract yourself from them when they are so frequent? I’m really struggling to work and get on with my life.

Do you still get just as many ectopics?
Very reassuring to hear others in the same position and doing well.

22-02-21, 14:30
Positiveg1… My prolonged ectopic episodes are, thankfully, rare these days. I’ve learnt there are certain triggers to avoid (mostly the same ones which are known migraine triggers – dark chocolate, red wine, strong cheese, overeating etcetera). Stress of every type is not so easily avoided and will regularly provoke a short attack. Cardiac arrhythmias can be debilitating physically and mentally. I empathise with your struggles. The best advice, although sometimes difficult to follow, is to try to stay calm and carry on with your life.

22-02-21, 23:31
Over the past 4 months I have probably had a total of 2 weeks of days of terrible PVCs/PACs where I can feel them almost every time I check my pulse. I get a stomach sinking sensation with the strong beat, sometimes just the sinking sensation but in my pulse I feel the pause or double beat. It is has been absolutely driving me bonkers of course. Its been 5 years since my heart monitoring exam so I feel like that is no longer valid. And I will tell you that FOOD esp larger or heavier meals is a huge aggravator. I feel the same way as you why in the world would they increase like this. The worst part is although I had extra stress last week none happened now this week they are happening. I am def struggling. Part of me wants to ignore them then the other part wonders is this more? And maybe I should be checked out soon. I am sure I am making them happen more from worrying about them but how can one not when there is a such an increase.