View Full Version : Eyelid twitching

22-02-21, 19:34
So my health anxiety has been at bay for quite awhile now. It felt so good to just live life and be able to focus on the important things! But I’m spiraling a bit today. I’ve had a nagging lower eyelid twitch. I’ve had it occasionally in the past, but this time it’s been going on for over a week. I don’t feel tired, quit drinking coffee, have been trying to not think about it, but it persists. I also take vitamins and mineral supplements so I’m sure I’m. It deficient in anything. Of course googling was a terrible idea. Not sure why I keep doing that to myself. Anyone have a persistent eyelid twitch?

24-02-21, 12:48
Yes, for as long as I can remember. It comes and goes, hangs around for awhile then stops. It's nothing more than annoying.

I do remember a time when it was particularly bad, a friend of mine did something that made me laugh so hard my sides hurt, wa..la.. my eye twitch was gone. That assured me it was stress related, even though I was not feeling it.

01-03-21, 18:08
Hi, I’m currently experiencing the same thing with my right eye , it’s been happening for two weeks it’s not constant but it is every day ,
I do suffer with HA & once one symptom disappears I’m on to the next so I’m now focusing on my twitchy eye
I think I’ll give it a few more days then I’ll go to the optician I hope it’s nothing but sometimes the reassurance from a health professional stops my symptoms
I have read that anxiety can cause twitches & tbh I am stressed about the virus
I hope that yours gets better 💐

01-03-21, 20:26
This is such a regular query on this forum that there should be a 'sticky' for it. I don't honestly understand why people get so worked up about a tiny nerve and muscle that gets a bit 'jittery', but it seems to set people off for some reason. Nearly every human being alive gets this at some time of another, periodically, or repeatedly. Taking make-up off, rubbing your eye, being tired......and a huge number of benign reasons can cause it; it is incredibly rare for their to be anything sinister about an eye twitch, extraordinarly rare. The tiny nerves and muscles are sensitive around the eye, they can be triggered by practically nothing, and the twitching can go on for a long time, on and off.....there really is no need to look or think about complex reasons for something so benign.

01-05-21, 21:49
I’m glad I found this thread. This has really been an issue for me for the last month or so. It’s my lower right eyelid. It’s constantly twitching. Obviously you can see it from the naked eye and I have to look carefully in the mirror to even see it but I feel it alllllll the time!! I can almost make it happen also if I open my eye wide or blink my right eye. I almost feel as if that eye gets a little more watery then the other one also. Is this the same thing everyone else is feeling also just the non stop twitching of the lower right eyelid? Doesn’t seem to want to go away. I have been contemplating seeing a neurologist but didn’t want to take it to that level. I did go to the eye doctor and he did a full work up and there was nothing wrong with my eyes. Any insight would be helpful as always!

01-05-21, 22:27
As people have said - very common with anxiety

02-05-21, 17:40
My upper lip has been twitching off and on for about 6 days. I'm sure its stress from changing jobs and getting a puppy in the same week lol.