View Full Version : 10 years free of Health Anxiety!

22-02-21, 20:18
So I've just realised it's been 10 years since I cured myself of Health Anxiety :yesyes:

To celebrate this milestone I've made my book 'How to beat Health Anxiety' completely free on Amazon this week (Monday to Friday). If you want to read how I cured myself, go on Amazon and type in How to beat Health Anxiety by Michael Evans.

I don't want to add the link until Nic has ok-ed it. There is no catch, it is free all week to download on Amazon.

If you don't believe me, have a read through my old posts to see how bad I was - I would wager my symptoms and mental state was worse than yours is now.

Here's one from 2009:

Stinker of a day today
One to forget for me.

Woke up feeling fine, but the day has been punctuated by bouts of chest tightness radiating to my neck, jaw and temples. A horrible constricting feeling. Guess what I diagnosed myself with when I googled this?

I have recently started doing push ups after basically doing no real chest exercises my whole life.

I HOPE I've strained my chest and neck muscles in such a way that is giving me angina symptoms, but my stupid mind can't shake the belief it's heart related.

Ive ended up getting some valium off the doc to relax me a bit, but it hasnt really worked. Nor has Ibuprofen.

The pain isnt strong enough to warrant a trip to the ER, so Im basically stuck with this horrible chest tightness and the EXTREME ANXIETY it brings with it.

Almost had a full blown panic attack earlier on.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

I am 100% cured of health anxiety. I did it without medication or CBT.

Please let my story give you hope that you too can get out of this vicious cycle, I know exactly how bad it can get but you can cure yourself of this.

22-02-21, 21:41
Oops sorry forgot to reply.

Yes you can post the link.