View Full Version : Twitches

07-11-07, 10:47
Does anyone get them? i get them quite a bit also in my jaw will shut

07-11-07, 12:09
im not a doctor but what ive been told I get alot of twitches in my eyes and face fingers ect,espesially in the face area neck jaw that where we have the most nerves in one area....wish you well............linda

07-11-07, 12:54
Hi Frankie,

I get alot of twitches around my eyes sometimes I think it's a common symptom with this old anxiety unfortunately. xxx

07-11-07, 13:07
My Dad and I have the same twitch when we eat and I have had twitches since I was small. They're very common and a few of my friends who don't have anxiety have twitches too. Good luck! xx

07-11-07, 19:12
Hi frankie

take a look at these threads too hun, they may help.....

twitching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3103)
Muscle Twitches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2219)
Acne and Twitching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4963)
jerky twitchy movements (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6987)
jerky/ twitches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7352)


07-11-07, 22:30
Thanks you lot

12-11-07, 03:11
You name it... I have had it and still do ..although learning to ignore it and think of something else helps alot..I don't suffer from anxiety anymore but offer this reply to try to help.I responded to another person this very same thing above your message.This is what I said ..Hope this helps.

Nothing to worry about..I had what I called a buzzing under my right breast or chest area for almost a year..To this day I still get it occassionally.Muscle spasms.. really nothing to dispair about. I also get trembling in my lips, my head, my ears, my legs , my arms and all over my body.. It usually is when im extremely tired.

Its your bodies way of saying.."what a work out" or perhaps you are stressed..and don't even know it..I promise...Its really nothing. I really don't suffer with anxiety anymore and still have it.I ignore it and it usually goes away within a short time or at the very longest a day or so..

Its just one of many natural odd things that happens anywhere on the body at will but I can assure you this IT WILL GO AWAY.. good luck take care

13-11-07, 15:03

I to have been getting very random twitches and these are usually at night. last night i had an awful nights sleep as my legs kept twitching and feeling like they were going to go into spasm. today im knackered and now have twitches in my eye and legs again. its worse when your tired cos it makes you feel like your going to loose control and have a fit or something but thats the fear making it worse than what it actually is.

Sounds strange but i actually look at the twitches as positive as it means im learning to relax and with time my body will get used to relaxation.

I tend to go through different syptoms on a weekly basis and twitches are just one of them! if anything they are most bearable compared to feeling hyperactive, irritable, etc.

Im flying out to get married on friday in the seychelles and have been dreading the flight since i first realised i had anxiety 8 weeks ago. but im believing that i can beat this now and treat every set back as a new challenge. Making the flight will be another step to recovery.

My advice is dont let it control you, when you feel anxious sit back and let it do what its going to do, fighting will make it worse. gradually the symptoms go from happening daily to every other day to 2-3 times a week. I doesnt happen overnight but if you believe it wont hurt you and that it is anxiety and not a rare disease things will improve. For the first 6 weeks i battled all the syptoms, got worked up and ended up in hospital and not wanting to leave the house in case i had an attack. My key to success is find a friend who you trust and open up to them about your fears and what it feels like, if you know a good psycologist to they can help in the early stages but be wary there are a lot out there which are full of garbage and charge the earth. If found one that is £40 a session which i see on a weekly basis just to get things off my chest and they really challenge me to confront my insecurities and talk about things that i would never open up about like when my mother was ill 5 years ago.

At the end of the day its only you that can make the difference but with a support network you WILL beat this.

Good luck and be strong we all in this together!

14-11-07, 13:39
Good to find others in the same situation x

14-11-07, 13:58
i get loads of twiches too especially in the eyelids, i also get loads in random places like chest, legs and arms