View Full Version : 2 year old unexplained bruises on legs

23-02-21, 16:37
Hi everyone, I've been a sufferer or HA since I was a teen but recent years I've really overcome worrying about myself and now it seems I worry about my kids.

Today I noticed a few tiny purple bruises on my 2 year old legs, some at the front and some back, as we are in lockdown im *literally* with her 24 hours a day and cannot think of a time she would have possibly knocked her legs!

Now I'm in panic mode worrying about the L word I cant concentrate I hate this feeling.

23-02-21, 16:48
I remember this worry with both my kids ... the dr told me, bruises on the legs are completely normal, no concern. It's when they see bruising on the abdomen they are a bit more concerned.

23-02-21, 16:54
My 3 year old's legs always have bruises. Think it's part and parcel of being young and fearless!

23-02-21, 17:00
Thank you both for your fast responses cant tell you how much I needed it!

They are almost like pinch bruises (she hasn't been pinched!) They just look odd but I know its possible it could be from a knock i just hate not knowing when or how!

God, lockdown really hasn't done my HA any good.

23-02-21, 17:02
You cannot possibly monitor every movement 24 hours a day, even if you think you can.

It would be highly unusual for a 2 year old not to have a bruise on them almost all the time.

23-02-21, 18:40
Does she pull herself up when in her cot etc? That would cause the pinch sized bruises. My daughter has all shapes and sizes and I remember my son being the same around that age. I also have bruises that I cant account for on my legs quite often. I really wouldn't worry. As mentioned by another poster, it's when they're in unusual places it's more of a concern.