View Full Version : Thigh pain while sleeping

24-02-21, 16:11
I realize this sound weird, but last night, I turned over onto my right side and all the sudden got a sharp stinging pain. Like large sting. LIke being stung by a really large bug. The pain lasted about 10 seconds, but than that whole side of my thigh went completely numb and stayed that way for about an hour before gradually subsiding. I checked it out, there is NOTHING there. No red marks, no bruises, no redness at all, no swelling, I mean NOTHING. This wasn't like a muscle pain, not a charlie horse, nothing like that. I cannot figure out what it was or if I should even be concerned - or maybe not worry unless it happens again. It was just so weird.

24-02-21, 16:49
I wouldn't even worry about it if it was a one-off.

24-02-21, 23:32
I’m hoping it is just a one time thing. It was just such an odd sensation. Nothing that has ever happened before.

27-02-21, 19:22
Sounds like you pinched a nerve when you rolled over, and it took a while to recover.

01-03-21, 21:50
I am thinking that must be what it was. It was just the oddest feeling and I’ve never had it before. Hasn’t happened since though so I’m sure it is nothing.