View Full Version : Anxiety?

25-02-21, 21:54
I have suffered from anxiety since I was about 10 or 11 with varying degrees of anxiousness.

I have had the following symptoms, skipped beats etc for about 5 years; had echos, ecgs etc etc done and nothing reassured me until one day i realised that it is going to kill so be it result I rarely have them now.
Migraines; had them for 15 years , always made me panic until they didn't for some reason and now i have not had one in over 2 years.
Throat problems; check, lasted 3 months then went away
Tinnitus 3 months too then went
Nose being numb ; check on and off for 2 years then gone
Fingers going numb; Thought it was a stroke ; that was 20 years ago, just went away by itself
Today i was just thinking to myself that i have not had anything HA related in the last 18 months and how good I feel but then i began to think about the fact that because i have not been worried about my health i have eaten lots of unhealthy food and been drinking way more beer than i ever did so what happens?
Ear goes numb as does right side of my face and my arm and so bang I am having a stroke or TIA.
I very much doubt it is anything but HA at least i hope so.