View Full Version : Travelling issues (just having a moan!)

07-11-07, 13:24
Hi everyone,
I really need to get this off my chest. I'm at uni and have been in a relationship for 4 and a half years. My boyfriend is at another uni which takes about an hour and a half to get to. I first have to get on a train for 20 minutes, then a bus for an hour. I can just about cope with the train but I have has 2 panic attacks facing the bus on consecutive visits (as it is a coach with no windows, no toilet and only has one stop). I love going there and I love where he lives, I just wish I could teleport and not have to get the bus! I even begged him to drive me back here last weekend which causes him a lot of hassle.
Another issue is money. I can get another train I can catch to avoid a P.a but that costs double what it does to get the bus and I can't afford that.
He's an incredible guy who can juggle a very hard degree, a job and a social life and still excell at all 3. I know he won't stop loving me 'cos of this but I want to make him proud.
Sorry for moaning on,

07-11-07, 19:09
Hi Lucy

I used to have a real problem using public transport:ohmy:

The thing that helped me was my MP3 player, it used to take my mind off the sittuation, also take some magazines or a newspaper with you to read, once you have done the journey a few times using these distraction techniques it will get easier and you will learn not to panic.

Hope that helps hun
:hugs: :hugs:

07-11-07, 21:03
Try taking a crossword or puzzle book with. Concentrating hard on answers can take your mind off the journey and will make it go quicker.

07-11-07, 21:12
They're both great ideas. I used to have an mp3 player last year but lost it so I'll have to get one again. I do sometimes take magazines but I have too look out the window most of the time as I get travel sick. But I guess an in depth radio programme or a quiz would do the trick :) Thanks guys!

xxxxx Lucy xxxxx

07-11-07, 21:25

If you look out of the window, you could also try counting things for e.g. how many red cars you pass while your on the bus, or make words out of car number plates that you pass. if your on the train you could count other obsticles that are out of the window. There all great distraction techniques and they do work.

Good luck

08-11-07, 06:24
Hi Lucy,

Thanks for your post, coz I have difficulty with the bus i have to catch every day to work as well. I hate it, its busy and if im not sitting by the doors...then well!!

Also planes, i just have to keep forcing myself on them (I travel a bit for work) and Id also like to thank the people that have replied to your post, coz its given me some tips too.

Im off to get a MP3 player tomorrow (and alot of trashy mags).

Thanks Lucy and all those that replied.

Cordy xxxxx