View Full Version : Feeling Fragile

07-11-07, 14:08
Hi All

I'm sorry to anyone I've been a bit abrupt with recently. Also I'm quite sensitive at this time of year in the build up to Christmas as it's a bad time of year for me and has been for the past 11 years since my Mum passed away.

I'm just so fragile right now. I'm so alone and can't afford to go into Newcastle to see any mates. There's a big reggae gig coming up that I want to go to but I can't afford it and I KNOW that I'll end up using 50 quid on my credit card to go (the card that I'm actually trying my best to clear) and I'm struggling with my weight still (put on 3lbs in the last month and am now 23 stones and 6lbs).

I have no one around here to help me and whilst I appreciate the advice and support that I get here and a couple other places online, it's really some sort of "real life" help that I need.

I went to see the community mental health team and they've put me down for therapy and user groups but it's a 5 month wait.

I just feel like I'm on the edge again and I'm going to explode any day now :(


07-11-07, 14:13
Hello Gordon,

Sorry to hear you aren't up to power. I hope that things get better soon. You know that we all are here for you.

I know what you mean about Christmas, I lost my Mom, when I was 20. It was hard for years at Christmas time, I have a son now, so that has helped me. I wish that I could do more for you .

Remember tho I am just across the pond, give me a shout, and I will be glade to talk to you.

As for the weight don't sweat it, in the spring you will be able to go outside and work it off. I too have gained, and it's not something that I am happy about.

Hope that this has brightened your day alittle.

Take Care
Tina:hugs: :hugs:
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

07-11-07, 14:20
hi gordon sorry to hear you feel fragile at the moment i to feel like this as christmas approaches i lost my sis 12 years ago and my mum 11 years ago and i find it realy difficult at this time of year.and in the winter time i think we all gain weight and also comfort eat wen we are bored or lonely hope you feel better soon gordon tc elaine xx

07-11-07, 14:40
Hey Gord Sorry Ya Feelin Down Hun, I Know Most People Start To Feel Blue During The Holidays...as I Speak For Myself..but This Shall Pass And For Ya Weight An Idea Like Cds In Home You Can Work At.and Dont Diet Yo Yo Syndrome Just Watch Ya Intake,as I Speak For Myself...keep Ya Chin Up Ok Gord.............linda Xxx

07-11-07, 14:57
Gordon Dude!!!! :tongue:

Sorry your feeling down at the moment, I think this time of year is a difficult time for alot of people so your not alone.

I just wanted to say im always here if you need a chat or a moan :)
Have some hugs from me hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Always here if you need a friend:flowers:

Laura xxxxxxx

07-11-07, 14:59
gordon mate...

pm me and let me know how much you need.


07-11-07, 15:09

Hang in there hun, this will pass :hugs: try to focus on the positives instead of the negatives and remember you have a lot of friends on here who do care a lot about you

Take care

Trac xxx

07-11-07, 20:38
:bighug: :bighug1: :bighug: :bighug1: :bighug:

For you Gordy

Luv Kaz x x x

07-11-07, 20:43
Hi Gordon have a big hug from me :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

07-11-07, 20:50
Thanks All.

I've ordered a ticket for the reggae weekender. That's me another 50 quid in debt that I don't really have but I can always pay my debt off in 2020 or something........

Gordon XX

07-11-07, 21:08
HI Gordy
Hope you have a fab weekend at the reggae do and I hope it will lift your spirits. Take care mate.
Love Mags xxx

10-11-07, 06:19
hi sexy panda
always here for you just text me and i will come online have a good weekend love you

sam plus really big hugs and sloppy snogs