View Full Version : Appointment soon im petrified

07-11-07, 15:17
Hi all

Well I have noticed over the past 6 months or so that my eyesight has been getting worse.
Now I already know I am short-sighted and used to have glasses when i was at school because i had problems reading from the board.

Now I stopped wearing my glasses 6-7 years ago as I needed stronger lenses but my mum couldnt afford to take me to get new ones. So i went without, which wasnt too bad as my eyesight wasn't that bad and I could only struggle reading things from a distance.

Then when I started working, due to my anxiety coming back I put off going to the opticians.
Now over the last 6 months I have noticed that my eyesight is getting much worse and I even struggle to read things off the TV screen sometimes:weep: and also recently my weaker eye is struggling to focus alot and I get headaches sometimes too. Which makes me worry more:weep:

So the other day I bit the bullet and booked an appointment at the opticians near me for next tuesday.

Now that took alot for me to even book the appointment!
Now I am absolutely petrified of going :weep:
I am anxious about the tests they do and I am worried they will find something drastically wrong :weep: Now i know the chances of that are slim but it still worries me!

Also because I havent worn glasses for a long time and I will most definately need much stronger lenses I am worried my eyes will have problems adjusting to the glasses:weep:
I know a friend who was like me and when she got stronger glasses her eyes wouldnt adjust and it made her really ill and she had to go back to the opticians and have weaker lenses and then slowly build the strength up so her eyes would adjust to them.
Im worried this will happen to me.
And one of my big fears is being ill:weep:

So I am sitting here today, 6 days till my appointment and im already shaking and getting a tummy ache thinking about it:weep:

Does anyone else get anxious going to the opticians? and also has anyone been while they have had their anxiety?
Should I tell the optician about my anxiety and explain that im feeling very anxious?
I am so scared and i know its silly:weep:

Any advice appreciated
Laura xxxx

07-11-07, 16:32
Hi Laura.I went to the opticians a few months back,and like you I get very anxious.I told the optician and she was really nice and understanding.She even offered to leave the door open for me.The test is easy and straight forward nothing at all to worry about.They will know what you need dont worry.
Well done on taking the first step and making the appointment:yesyes: Sometimes when you get new glasses it can take a few days for yours to get used to them,but I have never had this problem.

You will feel so much better when you get your new glasses,you wont be so anxious and worried about your eyes,and your headaches will settle down.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

07-11-07, 17:03

I was exactly the same as you, used to wear glasses when I was younger and then stopped wearing them, then about 8 months ago I noticed I was finding it hard to read things, even to the point I was having to get my girls to read my text messages out to me :blush: I was getting awful headaches and forever rubbing my eyes to try to make them focus.

Of course being agoraphobic the same as you, the thought of going to the opticians scared the cr*p out of me, but again like you I decided enough was enough and got an appointment.

The opticians was in the middle of town, which is pedestrianised and the only day I could go so my eldest could come with me was on a saturday, which is also market day in town.

I had to walk through the market to get to the opticians ( ok I nearly jogged there, with Ami struggling to keep up lol)
Once in there I explained to the optician that I was agoraphobic and had anxiety and he was very understanding he asked if I would prefer the door left open and chatted away to keep me occupied whilst he did all the tests, and to be perfectly honest I was so busy concentrating doing what he was asking I forgot I felt so anxious. And of course at the end, he told me my eyes were under a lot of strain trying to do close work and I needed glasses, and in a few years I would also need glasses for driving too and more than likely would have to wear glasses all the time.

Since having my glasses for reading, being on the PC and watching tv, I have actually wondered how I managed so long without them, and its nice to be able to read my own texts, not end up with mascara in my eyes from keep rubbing them and not having to squint everytime I want to read something, and now I automatically put them on everytime I read etc.

I used to be ashamed to tell people that I was anxious or agoraphobic when I had to go anywhere, but now it doesnt bother me, and i'd rather them know the reason Im sat there like a wreck than just keep giving me funny looks lol

Lets us know how you get on


Trac xxxx

07-11-07, 20:25
Thank you for the replies Ellen and Trac :hugs:

Glad to know im not the only one that is worried about these things!

I have never been to this optician before and I suppose that is one of my biggest worries about it :wacko:
Like you Trac this opticians is right in the centre of town and is all pedestrianised. I havent been into the centre of town for a long time now so that makes it even more scary not being able to get who im going with to park right outside, instead we will have to park in multi-story car park and walk through town:weep:
The closer the day gets the worse my anxiety is getting about it!
I hope like you two that I have an understanding optician who wont treat me like im nuts when i mention im agoraphobic!

I keep going through the usual 'what ifs' in my head :weep:
what if i get there and while waiting, freak out and run out of there
what if during one of the tests they do, i freak out and cant breathe or feel faint
what if during a test they find something seriously wrong

Sooooo many thoughts and what ifs its really starting to stress me out and i know iv only got myself to blame.
sorry for going on about it but im just trying to vent some of the thoughts and worries about it that i have

laura xxxxxx

07-11-07, 20:38

I think thats where our problems lie, all the 'what if's', I had to sit and wait for my appointment, and I so dont do waiting lol, luckily my daughter was with me and I kept myself busy talking to her to take my mind off of the waiting, she is used to me talking wibble when im anxious. Also the optician was happy for her to come in with me whilst I had my eye test done, so see if you can take someone in with you as that also helps to take your mind off of it.

Why not give the opticians a call before your appointment day and have a chat and ask if its ok to take someone in with you explaining the reasons why, then they will be able to know how you are feeling when you arrive.


Trac xxx

07-11-07, 21:12
Hi Lozzie
I think you have been very brave in making the appointment and I really hope it goes well for you. Take care.
love Mags xxxx

07-11-07, 21:59
I wear glasses to read sometimes.

I wouldn't say mine was bad but when I went for my initial appointment the chart said "P I E A N D C H I P S 2.50" and I was eventually told that the opticians was next door.......

Gordon XX

07-11-07, 22:59
You must go - Please go - your sight is so precious so don't risk it at all

08-11-07, 00:51
Yes in all seriousness Loz, your sight is one of the most important things you have. It'll be ok.

Take Care

Gordon XX

08-11-07, 01:20
I understand completly. due to being blind in one eye I have to go to the Eye Hospital every 6 months and dread it in case my eye sight is getting worse. However, the staff are great and know me very well. Once I leave it is a sigh of relief and I treat myself to an apple doughnut. Think of something you really like for a treat afterwards, that way your appointments will be something to look forward to. Works everytime.

Good luck

11-11-07, 22:12
Thank you for all the replies :hugs:

Its good to know im not alone in worrying about visiting the opticians.
Well the appointment is getting nearer now:wacko:
As each day passes and the appointment gets closer I feel more and more anxious :weep:
Tonight I am very anxious about it as I only have tomorrow left to go and then tuesday will be here:wacko:

I cannot explain how scared I am, especially as it has been so long since I last had my eyes tested and also its been a long time since I have been to appointment like this.

The fact its in the middle of town is the most scary for me because it means parking in a car park and walking through town :ohmy: havent done that for a while!!!:wacko:
I am trying to be positive but it is so hard when im feeling really low.

I dread to think how i will be tomorrow let alone on tuesday when my appointment is :wacko: -im sure i actually look like that smiley at the mo!

laura xxxxxx

11-11-07, 22:53
Hey Laura:hugs:

As the others have said you will be fine:shades:

Please try not to worry as it makes it worse:ohmy:

I have to go to the opticians once a year cos Im diabetic and they are fine!!!

I will be thinking of you and I bet you will be back here Tuesday telling us it was a breeze!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-11-07, 09:08
There is a leaflet in my GP's surgery that says if you can't get to an optician due to health problems then they will come to you. I know of several people with agoraphobia who have an optician visit them at home.

12-11-07, 10:44

When I was housebound with agoraphobia with panic attacks I found an optician who came to my home. I was on benefits so I did not have to pay for a call out. At that time I could not even step out of my front door. If in the end you cannot go, look in the yellow pages or phone up your local NHS team.

The only downside is that you are limited to how many glasses you have to choose from.

I understand the 'what ifs' that is what my life was like but eventually after a CBT course with a psychologist I slowly started to venture out side.
