View Full Version : Mole referral so worried

07-03-21, 21:39
I suffer with health anxiety but this is the first time I've posted as I'm really worried. I've had a small pink bump on the top of my shoulder for many years and I've never really given it much thought or even looked at it.

. I noticed a few months ago it started to change and it has blurry borders now and grown a bit and is assymetrical. It's 7mm and looks a bit inflamed. This was Nov/Dec when I actually noticed so I don't know when it started to change.

I've been wanting to go to get it checked but I was worried about Covid (everytime I go to the doctors I'm snivelling/sneezing within a few days). Anyway I called on Fri and was asked to send a photo of it which I did and was told Dr will call back. When she did she said she was wondering if it was Basal cell carcinoma and will call back after checking with a colleague. She called back after 20 mins and said the other Dr she spoke to thought bsc aswell. She made me an appt for the next day and a different dr examined it and said it does,'nt look like melanoma as its not pigmented, it doesn't look like bsc or the other one beginning with S (I think she said because there's no raised bits or rough) she said it doesn't look benign either so has referred me on the 2 week wait.

I was wondering if anyone else had this happen? I'm really worried it's melanoma as it looks very similar to images of melanoma and I've read that it doesn't have to be pigmented to be melanoma anyway! I'm also 52 and perimenopausal so I thought maybe it was triggered by hormones. I know only a dermatologist/biopsy can say what it is for sure but I was wondering I anyone else has had this? I'm so sorry for the massive post.

08-03-21, 10:24
My brother actually got told by the doctor that they thought he had melanoma and was referred. Understandably it was a horrible time for him.

Turned out to be atypical and benign.

Try not to worry until there is confirmed diagnosis.

08-03-21, 16:49
Thanks for replying to me Pav. I'm trying not to worry but it's so hard.. I'm glad your brothers OK :)

09-03-21, 20:31
I feel ya. I'm 51 and also perimenopausal. I'm sure it's due to hormones that my health anxiety has shot up again. This time around, my fear is also skin cancer. Recently read somewhere that women our age most frequently get melanoma on our legs. Wouldn't you know it, I had a small mole appear on one leg a few years ago. And now I'm obsessing over whether it's changed or not. The feeling of dread and a cold sweat that came on led me to take a tranquilizer (I keep them on hand for when I feel a panic comming on). Made an appointment to see a dermatologist tomorrow, and the tranq. kicked in. Doing ok for now. I've had health anxiety my whole life, but hormonal changes always aggravate it (1.when I first got my period, 2. post-natal depression and anxiety 4 times, and now, 3. the menopause). But I also read that there are great new and effective drugs for skin cancer now, so that's a hopeful glimmer.

09-03-21, 20:59
There's been huge advances in skin cancer treatment in recent years, yes, from advanced surgical procedures to meds that can sometimes take melanoma.

I'm still terrified of it (had one BCC age 38, very much aware I'll probably get more sooner rather than later) but a lot of that's the anxiety doing my thinking for me.

10-03-21, 06:52
You've done everything right in getting it checked out. Unfortunately until the specialist looks at it you won't know for sure, but keep reminding yourself of what the GP said "it doesn't look like a melanoma or bcc or scc".

There are so many different kinds of skin spots. I'm 50 , fair skinned and have heaps of pink, red and brown spots that my skin doc says are due to ageing, not sun damage. I do think hormones have something to do with it.

All the best and I hope you get your appointment quickly so they can put your mind at ease.

10-03-21, 20:17
Thank you for your replies. Latvianlady, I know, that awful prickling feeling of terror.. Health anxiety is just horrible. I def agree with the hormonal changes making anxiety worse.. Miner's off the scale lately... That's comforting blueiris about the advances in treatment. I'm sorry to hear you've had BCC and can imagine you're still terrified of it.. I would be too but I think you're right about the anxiety.. Damn health anxiety! Thanks for your comforting words Carrie. I'm the same with various spots and marks.. I'm just looking at every tiny thing now like OMG has that changed! xx

10-03-21, 22:03
I've had this mole like thing on my arm since I was 14 when I noticed it. I asked my doctor what it was he said "nothing to worry about". But it changes color and size often. Right now it's not even visible, but it can fill with blood. Looks like lots of dark pin pricks. Sometimes it's bled and scabbed over. But it's never went. Looking on Google it's identical to skin cancer. But my doctor insists it's not. I'm more than double that age now so it clearly wasn't serious.

Just sharing my experience with something similar.

11-03-21, 14:31
I'm glad it was nothing serious wired. I'm not going to Google anymore just going to stick to reading through this site instead - I'm fed up of seeing moles like mine that are melanoma. I should know better by now!

11-03-21, 19:39
I am in the middle of that now. I go regularly for skin checks because I HAVE had melanoma pop up. I just had a check last week and the doctor thought one looked suspicious that she hadn't seen before in the middle of an old tattoo I have. I haven't received results yet which is really causing me to panic, because they never take more than a couple of days.

11-03-21, 21:28
I'm sorry you've been through this Nicole and going through it again now xx wish we could get instant results.. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that results come back good.

13-03-21, 08:24
It’s a horrible thing health anxiety. If you read my threads you’ll see one of my fears is skin cancer. Recently went through another episode. I hope all goes well. Keep us updated. Big hugs x

13-03-21, 16:11
Thanks Blonde.. It's awful isn't it.. This mole issue has been my worst episode to date.. Sorry you're suffering aswell.. I'll let you know what the Dermatoligist says xx

14-03-21, 09:15
Hi Jentills
I wanted to just offer you a little reassurance, if possible.

I had a BCC to my chest 2005, it had been there for some time when I look back, didn't notice it until I got some photographs done. I am WAS a sun lover (I reeeally try not to be!) and was warned that others may appear in years. Fast forward, and I had a mark to upper lip, similar colourings, some days not noticeable. I took photos, sent to GP, got called in and he referred me. Now, 3 different doctors looked with 3 different suggestions, 1 was over zoom......!! I got a biopsy and it is BCC. I also asked them to look at a mark behind one of my knees which I had had for years - I thought it was an old insect bite. That also is BCC. The suggestion is that they will use photodynamic therapy on both, and they will be cured, quite clearly stressed to me there is NOTHING to worry about.

Since the biopsy, I have another one on my neck, literally just sprung up out of nowhere, so that will be looked at. And treated in whatever way they deem most suitable.

The reason I am telling you all of this is that I have terrible HA, but this is something I truly don't worry about. There is such a huge range of treatments available now from topical creams, to therapy such as the one they propose for me, to simple excisions, to more extensive surgery dependant on where the lesion is. You really will be in good hands.

Take care, good luck tomorrow x

14-03-21, 19:39
Thank you DL45, you have reassured me :) especially the bit about different doctors giving different suggestions..I just want to get it over with now as I'm so sick of worrying about it.. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to me and everyone else who has replied.. It's helped me so much xx

15-03-21, 11:10
This has always been the root cause of my HA doesn't help the fact I'm covered in odd looking moles! I had never been referred urgently until 2018 and I was pregnant at the time you can imagine the black hole I went down! My gp was very worried about it.

The dermatologist took one look and said nothing to worry about lol said to come back in 6 months and compare photos to be extra safe, all was fine!

15-03-21, 21:30
That's made me feel better Londonlady thank you x I can imagine how scared you felt and I'm glad it turned out ok.. I just want it over with now and off my shoulder, fed up of trying not to look at it and I'm even to scared to measure it in case it's grown.. Such a wimp lol xx

18-03-21, 14:00
Just posting an update..saw the dermatologist today who seemed very relaxed about it.. She basically said the same as the first Dr I saw that she wasn't sure but she did see a tiny amount of pigment where the other Dr didn't and said she can't be sure it's not a freckle behind it.. ...also mentioned may be seborrheic keratosis but won't know what it is until I have biopsy which will be in a few weeks.

This may be a silly question but would the Dermatologist have notes from my Dr on her screen with the measurements from my first appt 2 weeks ago?

18-03-21, 14:32
Hi Jen

Sorry not sure but I assume the the Dermatologist would have measurements. I wanted to give a big hug because I am being referred for a breast lump and despite two of my Gps saying they are happy to let me watch and wait for 2 weeks as it is so small, I have insisted on a referral and still do not believe my Drs are not lying to me so I basically went and got my notes.......health anxiety is debilitating and I am holding your hand x

18-03-21, 20:33
Sorry you're going through this Shera. It def is debilitating and I really feel for you xx I know a few ladies that have been referred for breast lumps.. All benign as I bet yours will be.. At least it will put your mind at rest.. when I come home from an appt I rethink it over and over, trying to analyse every facial expression and why she wouldn't meet my eyes when she answered some of my questions etc. Thank you for holding my hand, what a lovely thing to say, it means a lot to me.. Giving you a massive hug back.. Let me know how you get on xx

29-06-21, 10:21
I just thought I'd update as I've finally received my results in the post today (9 and half weeks after biopsy) after I plucked up the courage to open the later (I was shaking)! I have a harmless dermatofibroma.

This was originally a small round firm wart like bump on my shoulder that changed quite a lot over 15 months ish so it now looks like an ink splat , not symmetrical and now very dark pink instead of flesh coloured and more than doubled in size. The dermatologists differential diagnoses was irritated seborrheic keratosis, amelanotic malignant melanoma or DFSP (not sure what that last one is just reading it off the letter).

It ticked all the ABCDE warning signs aswell so I have been mentally preparing myself for 9 and a half weeks!

I hope this helps to put someones mind at ease a little while waiting for biopsy results x