View Full Version : Armpit

08-03-21, 09:40
I have got myself into a real mess. Am really struggling with anxiety at the moment and been working hard on it.
But after checking some pains in my armpits I could feel a big hard ball right deep inside. I panicked then checked the other one. I thought I found something similar but not as big. I went to doctor who examined me and said she couldn’t feel anything. So off I went.

Over the weekend I started checking again and there’s no doubt about it, I am feel a big hard area. It’s particularly apparent in certain positions and I have to push hard but there’s no mistaking it. When I compare it to the other side i think I can feel it there too but not as big.

I have seen my doctor again this morning who checked and can’t feel it. She said I may be feeling normal muscle and that if she has no concern at all apart from my anxiety.

Am I feeling something that’s always been there and is part of me or should I believe my doctor? I can’t think rationally at all.

08-03-21, 10:16
Believe your Doctor :flowers:

08-03-21, 13:57
Hi Flatterycat - I have two very noticeable lumps in my armpit: 1. accessory breast tissue which appears as a fleshy 50p sized lump 2. a pea sized cyst next to this. I can't stress enough that both of these are very noticeable when I lift my arm up or touch them. Ive had many scans on my armpit and always come back as normal/benign. The fact that you have to dig in suggests you are either finding normal flesh or lymph nodes.

Believe your doctor.

08-03-21, 14:27
Hello both and thank you for your replies. I know I have to try and trust my doctor. My head is all over the place and I’ve obviously made myself very sore.
One minute I convince myself that the lump is the same on the other side, then after feeling more it feels like it’s obvious in the one but not the other.
My doctor said there were no lymph node issues as she couldn’t feel them but then she didn’t check my armpits in the same way.
Thanks both again xx

08-03-21, 23:14
I have one in my armpit that I really need to get checked but I'm too scared. It's smaller than a pea but easily findable, right at the top of the skin (but under the skin). It's got definite borders and possibly a bit squidgy if I push on it but I'm terrified. I would be so relieved to be told it was nothing from.the doctor, they know what they're dealing with. Take relief in that, it's nothing X

09-03-21, 12:41
Hi LF27
Sorry to hear you are so scared. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, but that’s easy to say when it’s someone else. X

22-03-21, 22:44
I’m going through this exact thing at the moment too. Debating whether or not to call my GP for an appointment but I know deep down it’s more than likely nothing and don’t want to waste her time/feel like an idiot.

Hope you’re doing ok!

23-03-21, 01:09
I hate my armpits! Seriously!! I have axillary breast tissue too and everything is lumpy and messy.

I had to make a pact with myself to never touch this area. Whenever I do, I always feel something strange. I am at high risk for breast cancer, so I just let the doctor check things out every six months.

Buy a thick loofah. It’ll help hide any lumps when you shower. Also, use thick towels and a hair dryer to dry. And, then promise to not touch.

I hope you feel better soon.
