View Full Version : Travel Anxiety

08-03-21, 19:01
Hi. I'm new. Have been suffering from travel anxiety for years. Have stopped traveling. Upcoming trip to Florida by car with a friend but experiencing mild anxiety. Can anyone relate?[

08-03-21, 19:07
Hiya Gardis and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-03-21, 01:21
Hi, Gardis. What is it about travel that you fear? For a long time, I had to plan my route in advance so I knew where major hospitals were “just in case”. If there would be a long stretch of the trip where I wouldn’t be near one, it would be the number one thing I thought about the whole time. Shoot, for my honeymoon 11 years ago, we traveled from Kansas to Montana (town clear up by Canadian border) - 26 hour trip. There was an 8 hour time period in there that we didn’t even have cell service. Stressful lol.

Im not sure what made me get over that. I don’t really even think about that anymore. Maybe exposure therapy, number of trips where nothing untoward happened, excitement about the trip, etc. Maybe a combination of all. But yes, I’ve definitely suffered travel anxiety in the past.

09-03-21, 12:08
Thank you so much for reply. I start thinking about going away and just develop anxiety about it. Fear something will happen. U can't concentrate on enjoying life. I have cancelled travel plans in the past over this. I need to hit this head on to get rid of it and I freak out.

09-03-21, 20:13
I’m sorry you are going through this. It does tend to suck the joy out of life. I recommend distraction and mindfulness. Play games that make you think and concentrate. Listen to a podcast. Make an in advance mix tape. Teach yourself progressive muscle relaxation so that you can do it in the car.

Enjoy your trip if you can. No judgement here, I hope you make it though.

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09-03-21, 21:10
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I'm sound mt best to handle it. I actually did some packing! But I find that one day I'm good and the next day not So much

09-03-21, 21:42
That’s ok too. Just try and keep up with relaxation exercises so you can practice them in your head on command.

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11-03-21, 00:34
I agree, I think distraction is key. Also facing the fear itself is huge. The more you can do that, the easier it becomes. You can do this!!

11-03-21, 03:05
I really appreciate your support. I'm trying to think of the warm water and sandy beaches. I gotta do this

02-04-21, 16:16
How did it go? :)