View Full Version : Re: Overcoming Anxiety

07-11-07, 12:02
Hi, I am Shirley and have had GAD since summer last year. I was getting over it during April. May and June this year and was 85% recovered, then, following an holiday to Scotland in July, I had a relapse in August and with it came different symptoms and different fear thoughts too. The trouble is that I spend far too much time alone and therefore I have got far too much time to think.

My main negative thoughts are:

I dont want to drive so far because of the unreality.
When I do go out I dont want to be so far away from my car.
I dont want to go out with friends in their cars as I would not be able to come home or leave when I wanted.
I dont want to go out with hubby and kids as I dont want them to see me "not right".

My main symptoms are:

Unreality ( I am there now)
Loss of balance due to being so tense.
Strange feelings in my head.
Overbreathing (I am trying to learn how to slow my breathing down)
Being scared all the time.Watching myself all the time.

For example I have just been down to Boots where I can park outside and I was tense, watching my self and hoping that I wouldnt fall over with being tense and my balance not being good.

When I look at all the above in writing it looks ridiculous yet I camt seem to get over this and need some support - I am in tears whilst I sit here.

Thanks for listening. I am 50 years old by the way and have just had blood tests to check if I have started the Menopause or not as I have heard that one of the symptoms of it it anxiety.

If only I could get my mind off how I am feeling and loose the negative thoughts too.

Please Help. I am not going mad am I?


07-11-07, 21:45
Hello Shirley:welcome:to you!

NO! You are definitely not going mad - I'm 53 and it all sounds so familiar! PM me if you want to chat:)!

You'll find plenty of help, support and understanding here - you're not alone!

Pleased to meet you!


07-11-07, 22:06
Hi Shirley

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Make sure you check out the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page, im sure they will help too.


08-11-07, 11:45

08-11-07, 15:19
Hi Shirley and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. There is nothing ridiculous about what you describe and you're not going mad. You are amongst people who understand and care here so please don't get upset.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

It's great news to hear how well you've done and you'll get there again as this is just a blip. You've already pin pointed that having too much time on your hands doesn't help so why not try taking up a hobby? Trying to distract yourself is a good technique too such as forcing yourself to concentrate on something else when going around Boots. It could be anything you like such as trying to think of a country beginning with each letter of the alphabet.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-11-07, 15:31
Hi Shirley,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

B happy
08-11-07, 17:34
hi Shirly
I am new and what you feel i do to but ppl on here have helped me so much you will find that to they make you realize you are not alone so welcome and good luck.:) :welcome:

10-11-07, 17:27
Hi Shirley

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Pink Princess
15-11-07, 08:32
hi shirley xxx


take kare xxxxxxx