View Full Version : I'm Worried About My Temperature And Heart? Feeling Scared.

10-03-21, 02:04
My temperature is never really high, but tonight it was 37.0 (98.6) and that is really high for me, as I'm hypothyroid my temp is usually 96.4-97.7. I've been feeling a little off the last couple days, nothing major just a little off, palpitations now and then but nothing much, and had a little diarrohea day before yesterday but was fine today.

I'm 33, female, I've not been in contact with anyone at all, so I was worried about the virus, but I've literally not been near anyone. I live at home at the moment, so I'm very careful.

I'm on Eltroxin for the Hypothyroid, and Inderal PR 80mg for anxiety.

Why has my temp spiked so high so suddenly?

10-03-21, 09:46
37 deg is not high.

Stop obsessively checking. If you start feeling ill, contact your GP.

10-03-21, 09:58
It’s not very high Mischa. But I will say that anxiety often raises my temperature a bit. Also certain times of the day and month.

I’m sure it’s fine, you should really only take it if you feel ill.

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10-03-21, 11:19
It just felt high for me and my face felt hot, so that's why. And because my temp never really goes that high.

10-03-21, 11:20
Yeah, I just panicked because I'm use to my temp being a lot lower, so it felt like it spiked and my face felt flushed, so I started to feel anxious over it.

10-03-21, 11:41
And then that makes it worse. Good idea is to feel your chest and/or back too.

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10-03-21, 15:36
Yeah, I just panicked because I'm use to my temp being a lot lower, so it felt like it spiked and my face felt flushed, so I started to feel anxious over it.

So if you hadn't been checking in the first place, there would have been no anxiety.

10-03-21, 19:19
37 is not a fever. Palpitations are likely from the anxiety which is causing the diarrohea.

10-03-21, 22:20
@Scass My back feels mild (like normal), chest feels warms, but not hot or anything. (but the house feels very warm too).

10-03-21, 22:22
@WiredIncorrectly I think I just think of that as a fever-like because I'm so use to my temp being much lower, it's only been the last 3 or so days is went up a bit and then a little higher again, which made me worry I may have had a virus (not that one) or bacterial infection, after I had one a few years ago it's freaked me out a bit. Diarrohea thankfully went the other day.

09-04-21, 01:16
35.5 to 35.8 (35.8 being the highest it's going at the moment).

Does the Beta Blocker I'm on (Half-Beta Prograne 80mg Prolonged Release) cause my body temperature to go low? Last week or so, I've noticed my body temp (usually at night when going to bed around 1am or around then) is between 35.5 - 35.8 (35.8 being the highest at the moment). As you probably know, I'm on Eltroxin for Hypothyroidism as well, but surely being on that I shouldn't get symptoms of Hypothyroidism? I know with the Beta Blockers and it being slow release, my heart rate is at a more slower, steadier pace now but is it dropping my temp down a bit low? I don't feel cold, don't have any other symptoms that I'm aware of.

I'm not sure. It seemed a bit low and I don't feel cold. I'm also not eating anything out of the ordinary, and I only drink water. It's the oral temperature under the tongue I'm using. Just felt a bit low, but maybe it's the beta blockers and because I'm mostly inactive during the day could be causing it? I'm at my home deIssk all day working all day. Only a few breaks to walk the dogs and that's it.

Is it a temperature to be concerned with? All I've ever heard is infection, hypothermia (which is unlikely as my house is insulated and very warm).

09-04-21, 02:51
Is this not something you’ve asked your GP before? I’ve seen you mention it here dozens of times so I’m sure you know the answer.

It’s fine, you’re fine.
Could you try very hard to stop taking it all the time?

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30-04-21, 23:45
@Scass Sorry for such a late reply, haven't been on for a while, just general life stuff having to deal with a lot at the moment.

I think I did ask my GP before, it's probably just being overly worried at the moment, causes a panic in me. I've stopped taking it all the time for a while now, and just working on not being as compulsive with these things.

01-05-21, 09:06
That’s really good progress, well done.

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