View Full Version : It's getting worse every week.

07-11-07, 22:04
Hi there, I'm new to this place. I'm going to share my story and stuff while I'm here. A better understanding for myself I guess. I decided to look for a forum to get help with my panic attacks. I think it's become a panic disorder as I'm having them at least once a week, usually every day when I'm at University.

I've had panic attacks before, in College and I think a few in High School but I had no idea what they were, they were less frequent. I used to just have them when I was really upset/hysterical when I had arguments or worries over my ex. But he's out of my life now, so it stopped for a little while.

I've always been underweight, but recently I became anorexic, and that helped trigger even more panic attacks from feeling so weak and ill. The doctor also suspected anemia (which I turned out not to be), and something with my thyroids (I'm not sure if they tested my blood for that, I'll have to phone up again).

I put on weight, felt healthier, started University. A month and a half into the year (which is not that long ago now), I had a panic attack on the bus (I got upset over my ex again the night before, I don't think that helped), I calmed down, but not entirely for when I got to College, I thought I calmed down but it came back and I felt like I couldn't get out as the teacher was talking. I got out in the end. I sat on the staircase, it was horrible, I felt even more sick than I usually do, I was cold, hot, shaking like mad, felt like I couldn't breathe, heart thumping, sweaty palms, THE LOT!

I have to add that I've always had a fear of throwing up, so the moment I feel like gagging it gets worse.

Since then I guess I've been scared of having another one, on the bus or in class. Usually I get them in the same class every week, I've even started getting them in the car when my dad drives, and even though he drives fast, I've always been comfortable with it until now.

It's not completely related to college, I had one in the car on the way to wales. I realised when they pulled over that my body was so tensed up most of my back was off the seat.

I have all of the symptoms. Sometimes I can't even talk to people when I get them cuz I feel the same or even worse. It does sometimes help, but recently it hasn't.

My doctor told me that she's going to contact another doctor so I can get therapy. It's been a week and I haven't heard from them, so I'm phoning up tomorrow.

I'm so desperate to get over them, or be able to calm myself down when I do get them. I never ever ever wanted to go onto tablets, but it's getting so unbearable that I feel like I want the 'quick fix' just so I can get on with my life. I heard about rescue remedy sprays. I actually have tried it before, back when I was about 15/16. To be honest, me and a few friends used it cuz it was one of our friend's spray. I had two sprays, I went white, then yellow, then green and I felt a little bit.. woooo. And yes, I know it shouldn't give me a weird effect like that, but it did. It was weird. Maybe now that I'm actually being panicky it will work the way it should and calm me?

Anywho... That's my story. I'm just so desperate to get rid of it. I know what situations trigger them off now, and it's only because I'm scared of getting them again in that situation. It's just getting worse, faster... Today I had a mild one.. which kept fading, but then got worse a few times during the day.. it made my chest a little achey and sore. Oh, and I made myself get off the bus and walk the rest of the way home (it was a very long walk home!)

I am also having dental treatment, and I get panic attacks just waiting, I feel like gagging, not good when they mess with your mouth. And I'm at that age where I want to learn to drive!!!!

I'm just fed up. I'm 18, and I want it to go away while I'm still young.

07-11-07, 22:50
hug first youaremysunshine:hugs:

You've had such a lot to contend with at such a young age.

But, please, don't rule out the possibilty of medication completely. When used wisely, as an aid to bring things into perspective, they can help considerably.

I hate taking anything but when I got really ill I had to resort to medication. Best move I made, and I was only on them for 6 months.

They also got me through some very horrendous dental treatment at the time too! Think I'd rather pluck all the hairs out of my legs with tweezers than go to the dentist - but I go anyway to keep on top of things!:ohmy::blush:

Glad you joined us - and I hope you'll think so too very soon.

take care



07-11-07, 23:05
The way I combated panic attacks, was to first get my general level of anxiety down - I think you are flogging a dead horse until you can do that, as your are always at the point of panic if you don't. I did this with relaxation exercises, and controlled breathing. Control breathing is very important as it influences the rest of the body to calm down, especially the heart. So once you learn't how to relax, you then learn how to control your thoughts. You can employ different techniques to deal with anxious situations like: thought blocking, thought switching, and a few others. But I prefer thought switching. If I'm in a situation that causes me great anxiety, I just think about something simple that gives me pleasure, like giving my dog an hug, which I find very relaxing. But the main thing is that you are taking your mind off what is trying to make slide into a panic attack, and if a bit of luck your panic will subside. I also find that I by letting my body go limp in a way - like your shoulders drop and you just feel like falling in a heap, if that makes sense - helps.

I'm sure it will go away eventually. A lot of teens have problems in their late teens for some reason, but they usually go away as you get a bit older.

07-11-07, 23:28
Hi and welcome!

I'm 21 and yes, I've felt the same way. I'm young, why is this happening and especially 'I want this to go away NOW'.

I've felt the same way--having situations which creates panic and then those situations inevitably come back again and again. I was especially afraid of getting ready in the morning. I'd be fine once I'd get out of the house but just that period of ten minutes beforehand always defeated me. And of course I'd go through this like every single day.

We've got to learn to not be afraid of it. You've experienced panic before and you're still here. I hate the sensations just as much as you do (I have a fear of my heart so that's always loads of fun because you can't run away from that now) and I just have to tell myself that they won't hurt me. They haven't hurt me before. I've panicked before and I've come out okay.

I'm still here. You're still here.

Even if things unconciously cause panic and you can't really step away from it and it comes anyway, it's okay. You'll be okay, it's not going to hurt you. Think of it like a cold. I really dislike the feelings of being sick but I can't do anything about it so I just take it and it'll be over eventually. Panic in situations doesn't last and it will be over eventually even if you're scared beyond your wits.

I understand compeltely because I'm still a bit scared of having them again and I know what to do it's just the actual process of doing it. I've got to learn to know it's okay if I have one.

Anyway hope this helps and good luck. :D It's hard but we can beat this and it'll make us stronger people in the end!

08-11-07, 01:04
Awh, thanks a bunch everyone :D

I've had people tell me things I need to do to calm down, but sometimes when it comes to the actual panic attack it doesn't seem like it's working. It's like everything you practiced has gone out the window, y'know?

Well I know the sources now, so all I have to try and work harder on is the breathing and changing my thoughts so I relax. Hopefully the therapist will help me out with that part. I heard about inducing the attacks (with the therapist) and then learning to use those techniques to calm down. No idea what I'm expecting at therapy! I'll keep you updated when I started to go!

I just hope I nip it in the bud before it gets even worse :)

Thanks a lot everyone :)


08-11-07, 03:09
Always remember that triggers spark anxiety symptoms and that the more we focus on those anxiety symptoms, the more we're likely to experience a panic attack.

To nip them in the bud is to learn not to focus on those symptoms by distracting your mind onto something engrossing and then the panic attacks don't happen. Panic attacks only occur because of our fear of them. If you fear having a panic attack then your fear will create them.:winks:

08-11-07, 03:23
Lol, I hate it when people try to tell me to calm down because that just makes it worse.

And yeah the whole changing thoughts thing works like a charm. I've even managed to avert what could have been a panicky disaster because I changed my thoughts to postive (I WILL be okay) instead of negative (I won't be okay and I can't handle this).