View Full Version : A sad case

11-03-21, 14:20
Hi All, May I firstly say how grateful I have been to the organisers of this excellent website, it has been a best friend of mine for many years now. But, at the same time this, 83 year old, who, yes, can look back on one or two little health problems, but which was were very quickly sorted by our excellent NHS, has to confess to still feeling that dreadful 'HA'. It seems I have a chest infection, for which I have just completed a course of antibiotics, but here's the problem, tomorrow I am to have an chest x ray, and oh boy, am I stressed, what will it reveal. I had a chest xray last September, that was to check for a heart problem, about which I was soon sent on my way being told 'no problems'. So why the heck am I feeling this way now, sad,sad. Surely, there must come a time when common sense should take over. I feel so ashamed of myself. Surely I must be too old to feel this anymore.

11-03-21, 15:01
Don't feel ashamed, its not uncommon to fear tests and test results.

You are strong and made it so far if life and please don't forget that.

I hope everything goes well with your chest x ray tomorrow.

11-03-21, 17:10
Hi Wilcom81, I hope all goes well with your chest x-ray. I'm also one of the "older" ones around here, though still in my 60's. I wasted so many younger years worrying about diseases that never happened, wish I could live those times over.

11-03-21, 17:52
Hiyer ! For me, acceptance that I might have illnesses and trust in medical professionals to do all they can to cure them - and trust in modern medicine in general - has been a critical part of dealing with my 'getting older self'. There comes a time, and I'm in my 50s so not experiencing the 80s, when each and everyone of us will have something wrong at some point the older we get. All of those statistics and comments 'oh but that happens to older people' can't be relied on anymore, so coping strategies have to change. I'm sorry you are so scared, and there really is no reason to be ashamed of feeling the way you do, if anything it is understandable for older people I think. I don't think I've said anything that helpful here, apart from that we all, I'm sure, wish you really well for your scan.

11-03-21, 21:36
Many thanks friends, for your kind and thoughtful replies. Yours comments have helped me to just calm down, and, at this moment feel relaxed and ready to take the view that what will be will be. Right, enough about myself,. Best wishes to you all, Thank you again. Wil.

13-03-21, 08:42
Morning Wilcom. I can’t offer anything other my support and best wishes. Good luck for your X-ray, I’m sure you will be fine. Please keep us updated and it’s lovely to hear from you.

13-03-21, 15:41
Thank you Blonde123, will keep you undated, thank you for your interest, and your best wishes, of course this long lockdown has not helped folk like myself, one just feels a need to get out and meet people, say hello, how you doing, nice to see you, the simple things of life, but how they matter...Wil

13-03-21, 17:10
Too much, wayyyyyy too much time to think Wilcom, worry, few distractions, missing out on living and enjoy the small things that give pleasure. Hopefully......the light on the horizon is getting brighter.

14-03-21, 02:41
It’s an aspect of the pandemic that I think most people are really starting to realize. Even those of us that maybe don’t consider ourselves “social” are finding that we miss even minor interactions with other people. Other people, and it sounds like you fall into that category, Wilcom, maybe relied heavily on being able to interact with others. With this pandemic lasting a year now, that’s an awfully long, and lonely, stretch of time. It’s completely understandable why you’re feeling the way you are.

I hope your X-ray went well, and with the rate of vaccines hopefully increasing soon, you can get back to those socialization activities that you miss!!