View Full Version : Help, I am so worried

12-03-21, 08:12
Can anybody please help and let me know if they experience similar with their anxiety symptoms?

My GP told me he thought I had fibromyalgia several years ago after various investigations for ongoing vague abdominal discomforts and aches. His advice - lose weight, move more. He also said IBS years ago.

I've tried, am rubbish at losing weight as am rubbish at will power, but I am trying. But I am feeling really fed up of feeling unwell now. I have a vague discomfort right abdomen, into back, into groin, it is just like it moves around, its not constant in one place. Discomfort in spine. Right foot pain when I put weight on it like it will give way. New - a vague discomfort, like a pulled muscle ache in the bottom bit of my sternum in between my breasts. Not constant, just in that dip where you can put your finger. Last couple of evenings a sudden feeling of a tightness to the front of my neck, like a pressure, felt like my throat was rigid. Nothing inside, no problem swallowing etc, no sore throat etc, just felt like somebody had put their hand over the front of my neck. I have to say it was scary.

I went to bed at 7 last night, and these things disappeared over time. I was very warm in bed, felt over heated and slightly sweaty. Up today and the aches and discomfort have returned.

thank you

12-03-21, 14:26
A doctor also told me that once, but I still feel like a zombie when I wake up most days. When sleep quality is poor, it usually makes for a rough day following.

This article might help you. https://draxe.com/health/natural-fibromyalgia-treatment/

Take care and I hope you feel better.

14-03-21, 09:44
Thank you Scissel73, I have had a good read and found it really informative.

Hope you have a good day!

16-03-21, 22:26
Can anybody please help and let me know if they experience similar with their anxiety symptoms?

My GP told me he thought I had fibromyalgia several years ago after various investigations for ongoing vague abdominal discomforts and aches. His advice - lose weight, move more. He also said IBS years ago.

I've tried, am rubbish at losing weight as am rubbish at will power, but I am trying. But I am feeling really fed up of feeling unwell now. I have a vague discomfort right abdomen, into back, into groin, it is just like it moves around, its not constant in one place. Discomfort in spine. Right foot pain when I put weight on it like it will give way. New - a vague discomfort, like a pulled muscle ache in the bottom bit of my sternum in between my breasts. Not constant, just in that dip where you can put your finger. Last couple of evenings a sudden feeling of a tightness to the front of my neck, like a pressure, felt like my throat was rigid. Nothing inside, no problem swallowing etc, no sore throat etc, just felt like somebody had put their hand over the front of my neck. I have to say it was scary.

I went to bed at 7 last night, and these things disappeared over time. I was very warm in bed, felt over heated and slightly sweaty. Up today and the aches and discomfort have returned.

thank you

I haven’t been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but I often wonder if I have it. I can totally relate to the tight front of throat sensation. I’ve had this happen a couple of times in the past... it lasted a few days then would disappear. I also get tender spots on my shoulders, arms and back of neck that feel like bruises without marks. Never lasts too long, usually disappears overnight. Then about a month ago I started getting a burning feeling on the left side of my groin that was with me 24/7. Almost felt like a pinched nerve. And my right armpit was sore too. I obsessively check daily for swollen lymph nodes but luckily none can be felt. Now the groin pain radiates into my hip. I’ve been worried for weeks about every worse case scenario imaginable. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow and she will want to do bloodwork and possibly scans, so I am really scared about what may be found, even though some things are improving, like the groin pain. My nerves has flared up my IBS the past few weeks too, ugh. Just wanted to comment as I have had similar symptoms as you. Hope you feel better soon.

19-03-21, 13:01
Hello longnovember
thank you for your reply. I was never formally investigated but my GP provisionally diagnosed me based on several investigations I had had for other things - if that makes sense - like a process of elimination. I thought it was bumpkin until I read more about it - and I can attribute lots of issues to it. Thankfully though, I am not one of those who are struck down by it for days on end, can't work and are on so much medication, they must be in agony, but I am like you - I get vague aches - generally across shoulders and into neck, hips, but I can just shake them off. Standing long periods builds up pain in my back too. Try not to worry, I hope everything has gone well with your GP visit, I am a worry wreck too, so I know how difficult it is. Hope you are feeling better after seeing her, and having a chat to her.