View Full Version : IBS-D and Nausea

12-03-21, 09:16
Hi everyone.

Just wondered if anyone has experienced similar and can shed some light on what has helped.

I have anxiety and IBS D which has been ongoing since around 2016. I had a terrible fear I had BC and finally had a colonoscopy in December 2020 (which came back completely clear - ibs confirmed). In the lead up to the procedure I was so stressed and worried and I began experiencing acid reflux and nausea, which lasted for about 6 weeks. After the procedure this disappeared.

About 3 weeks ago the acid reflux returned, followed by nausea. I took 2 weeks worth of nexium and acid has pretty much completely gone away. However I cannot get rid of this awful nausea. It’s there every single day (alongside a bad flare up of IBS). My GP has suggested it’s IBS/anxiety related.

Has anyone else experienced nausea as a symptom of IBS? I’m stuck between wanted to push for tests but being too scared to trigger my health anxiety so also wanting to just listen to the DRs recommendations. Self diagnosis and pushing for tests has caused me nothing but worry in the past.

06-05-21, 09:20
Hey, has your nausea settled? I have the exact same thing. had all the tests under the sun and all normal. seems its anxiety related and IBS. x