View Full Version : "Fluttering" feeling in throat

12-03-21, 19:18
Once in a while (maybe 2-3 times per week) I get this really weird feeling at the base of my throat (right above where the collarbones connect) that I have no idea what it is.

The feeling is really strange and kind of vague, but I'll do my best to describe it. It feels almost like a flutter in my throat, and like my breathing gets affected so it becomes more "difficult" to breathe for a short moment. (I can still breathe but it's like I suddenly feel breathless). Immediately when this happens I become terrified. It's like the adrenaline kicks in immediately. The feeling itself only lasts a couple of seconds but I become "on edge" for at least an hour after that just because I have no idea what it is and I'm afraid it would return.

The "intensity" of the feeling can vary, but it still only lasts a few seconds (even tho it can happen several times in a row sometimes). I have been thinking that it might be something with my heart, but often the feeling has passed before I can check my pulse. I can only remember once when I had enough time to check it but then my heartbeat felt normal (?).

The flutters only seem to happen when I'm relaxed and sitting or lying down. In the beginning I only got them when I was lying in bed and getting ready to sleep, but now I get them at any time of the day. It doesn't even matter what I'm doing; I could be working, eating, drawing, reading... It could even be in the middle of a sentence when I'm talking to someone (!).

I've been to the doctor (for other reasons) where they've done lots of bloodwork and an ECG and all that came back clear.. So I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced something like this? Or if it's "a normal thing" you get with anxiety? I know of the lump-in-throat-feeling but this is somewhat different.

18-03-21, 16:57
I get this a lot. Just like you, I always try to catch my pulse while it happens but never can!

Do you ever get acid reflux? Apparently stomach acid can irritate the valve and nerves in your lower oesophagus and can cause lots of weird sensations. I'm wondering if the flutters are a little spasm happening because of that?

18-03-21, 18:02
Yes I get this quite but I also feel my heart fluttering. No chest pain and it’s over in an instant

21-03-21, 15:55
I get this a lot. Just like you, I always try to catch my pulse while it happens but never can!

Do you ever get acid reflux? Apparently stomach acid can irritate the valve and nerves in your lower oesophagus and can cause lots of weird sensations. I'm wondering if the flutters are a little spasm happening because of that?

Hmm I'm not sure I get acid reflux? Well sure sometimes maybe after I've eaten sometning more unhealthy. But I feel that feeling is kind of different and usually happens a short moment after I've eaten. This fluttering feeling seem to just happen randomly at any time x)

I've been thinking that it could be something like ectopic beats but haven't heard of that many people who feel that in their throat only (?). Usually that's more of a "fluttering-in-the-chest" but this is only at the base of my throat. It sure is strange but I try to think it's not dangerous as it always just sticks around for a couple of seconds and nothing bad ever happened from it.

24-03-21, 03:10
I get this a lot to it’s a weird sensation. You describe it to the T. I’ve had this for years.I’ve done a lot of test and everything has come back normal. So it’s either something normal or anxiety.

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01-04-21, 23:53
I have just started getting something like this plus some other weird sensations in my chest, no pain though. I have googled a ton and am worried about it but I am also in a period of extreme anxiety/depression right now. I think I might have acid reflux or GERD or something to that affect as I burp lot as well.

17-04-21, 21:51
Definitely ectopic beats. I get them too and yeah they freak me out but I know they are not generally dangerous. I feel the flutter in my throat, I catch my breath and if I check my pulse for a while I can feel the next one.. like a missed beat that then gives that surge in your chest and the flutter in your throat.