View Full Version : Have annual skin cancer screening in two weeks. Nervous!

12-03-21, 19:37
Hello everyone,

So I just made an appointment for my annual skin cancer screening at my dermatologist. It's been a couple years since I have been. The last time I was there they removed a mole that turned out to be benign.

I am nervous they will find something but I hardly ever sunbathe. I find sunbathing boring and I don't like the beach. I never spend time with my shirt off. When I go running or play golf, I will put sunscreen on my face, neck, arms and legs. My family never really has had a skin cancer issue. My grandfather had it on his face but that is because he worked outside alot.

In spite of all this, I am worried about melanoma or some other cancer. I was supposed to go back to the dermo to get the spot they removed checked out as apart of a follow up but I never went in (insurance reasons). I figured if the spot had changed for the worse, I would have know by now.

Hopefully all will go well but I am still a bit nervous..

12-03-21, 23:56
I hope everything goes well with your appointment.

14-03-21, 01:23
I hope everything goes well with your appointment.

I hope so too.

14-03-21, 01:34
I guess what gets me the most nervous is that it has been a couple years since I have had a skin cancer screening. I do not spend a ton of time outside so I don’t think have SC but it always is a worry in the back of my mind.

14-03-21, 08:44
Good luck, hope it all goes well. I'm sure it will all be fine, especially if you don't have any mole changes, but it's really positive you're getting a screening so you can get an experts opinion. I have also had moles removed and they turned out to be nothing, I think most are but it's always best to check.

15-03-21, 17:13
I hope so. I think I will be okay but this anxiety always lingers in the back of my mind.

30-03-21, 04:27
Tomorrow I have my screening so I hope all will go well! I suspect it will but I am mentally preparing myself in case they have to remove a spot

Wish me luck!!

30-03-21, 21:49
Just got back from the Dermo and all of my moles looked normal except one on my back. The PA that did my exam cut a part of the mole off my back and will have it sent to a lab to be analyzed. He didn't seem too concerned by it. He cut it off because it looked a little dark and red. He suspects it is mild to moderate atypical.

I will get my results back in a week. Until then I have to play the waiting game til I get the results back. Am somewhat nervous about the results I may get!

05-04-21, 01:30
Hope I find out this week about my biopsy results. Even though the Dermo that removed it reassured me it’s more than likely benign, I am worrying quite a bit.
There is no bleeding or itching with the mole. Just a little dark and somewhat red. Ughh I hate this!