View Full Version : Anxiety about daughter, bladder issue

14-03-21, 05:56
I have OCD which comes, for me, with an intense feeling of responsibility and fear of being responsible for harm to others. So, that being said, I'm having some obsessive thoughts and I can't get myself out of this loop.

Two years ago, my teenage daughter experienced some urinary leakage. It was noted that at her first doctor visit for it, when they tested, she didn't completely empty her bladder. Long story short, she saw a urologist. Over the course of several appointments over a few months, they checked her urine (no blood), checked her blood, and did several pelvic ultrasounds with three more void tests. It ended with "There's no reason to keep seeing her."

But she actually did still have some stress incontinence, and she didn't tell the urologist that at that very last appointment. I doubt it would have made a difference, but I didn't want to just let it go without getting another medical opinion on it. I had all of her records transferred over to her ob-gyn and brought her there for one last look over everything. The ob-gyn said she looked all the records over from the urology office, and recommended pelvic floor therapy. Which of course my invincible daughter had no interest in doing.

Now, two years later...a few months ago she had her first internal exam for something unrelated. All was fine there. But now, she said that she wants to see the doctor again, maybe over the summer, because she's peeing a lot (which she kind of always has, but now feels it's getting intrusive, especially after she drinks coffee), and even though she has told me since her ob-gyn appt that the stress incontinence has gone away, turns out no, it does still happen (not enough to need a pad or anything).

Okay...so, the deal is, she's 18, bladder cancer is almost unheard of at that age. She's been to the urologist, and I've got to think that the urologist knows more than I do and that they would know if there was any concern about cancer. And, I even brought her records to a second doctor to look over, and they too had the opinion that it wasn't anything more than a need to exercise those muscles. And, the frequent urination comes pretty much after drinking coffee....not completely abnormal. And we have a family history of weak pelvic organs in all of the women in my family, so there may also be some genetics at play. And it was two years ago, and she tells me that if it was anything concerning, we'd know it by now.

And yet, here I am thinking about her next semester in college, in the fall, and thinking how awful it will be for her that she will be in chemotherapy when she's supposed to be enjoying her sophomore year.

This is just an awful feeling. I feel like I'm trudging through mud to get through the day. She's 18 now, so I can't call any doctors or do any checking, which my OCD so badly wants me to do. I'm so very scared that I missed something and she's got some advanced cancer that is hidden right now. This is just an awful feeling. :(

14-03-21, 08:39
Big hugs.
The only thing I can suggest is that you look to looking after your anxiety, because she seems to managing things the right way. There’s nothing more that you can do at the moment other than support her. She has had lots of thorough investigations already and I think they would have picked up anything nasty.
It’s so very hard I know, I think I’m quite similar to you.

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14-03-21, 10:53
Hi there,

If you know that she has minimal chance of getting a serious illness. Take a couple of breaths and be happy she is here and 18 and soon be going to college. Perhaps dealing with your anxiety separately. Please don't tell her of your fears it might damage your relationship and might put her into a spiral.