View Full Version : Small lump on helix of ear - think it's a cyst - advice on visiting doctors atm

14-03-21, 08:33
Hello, I have had a small lump on my ears helix for a month or so. Its whitish in colour, just under the skin, not attached to the bone, and it has a small black dot in the middle which I think is a plug. Not painful at all. Rationally I think it's a cyst or something like that, but of course my health anxiety makes me think it's a tumor or something more sinister.

As I've had it about a month (it hasn't grown or changed in this time) I think I should maybe see a doctor. I have huge anxiety about seeing the doctor especially at this time and I know that my doctor is only doing phone appointments at the moment.

I'm presuming that if the doctor cant go by my description alone they will just book me a routine GP appointment? I'm nervous that they will fast track me to a hospital appointment even if they think it's ok, and I am moving in a month so I'm scared it'll take longer than that to get it resolved and it will get lost in the process.

Basically, just feel a bit nervous about the bump and seeing doctors especially at this time. If anyone has some words of support that would be great! Thanks