View Full Version : A bad night makes my anxiety worse

14-03-21, 08:44
I've been feeling meh for the week, resulting in me going to bed at 6pm 3 nights ago and pretty much staying there, sleeping a lot, but when I got up I started with all my symptoms again.

I am 58 and was diagnosed with IBS by my GP several years ago - routine investigations to rule out other things, including ultrasounds and finally a CT groin to trunk with contrast. Ultrasounds were to do with my liver - for years I have drank more than the recommended units weekly - we can all give excuses and I have plenty of them, but I have also had lots of long periods of abstention. Never drank until the evening. Anyway, after CT (my fear had been dreadful symptoms that worried me about pancreatic cancer) he reassured me that everything was fine. Lose weight, move more, everything in moderation.

This week had what felt like a pinching pressure pain in the gap between the breasts, right at the bottom of the sternum, made me rub it to try to ease, take bra off etc. Tightness in throat that was very unnerving. Pain in my right upper quadrant, which again has set me off worrying about my liver. Tired ++ I never sleep well, usually have a day about once every 10 days where I hit a wall and get an extra few hours. Belching and trumping ++. The belching isn't just after food, its even after just walking up and down stairs, generally moving around. Bowels ok, although I haven't eaten much, drank lots of water. A feeling of a tight band under breasts and armpits - has made me reach to see if PJ bottoms have crept up but nothing there. Dry mouth ++ despite drinking lots of water. And very pale. Has surprised me when I have caught sight of myself in the mirror.

Last night was feeling a little brighter, stayed up and had a very small light chicken salad. Lots of water. Around 3am woke with a sharp pain centrally in my tummy half way between chest and bellybutton, and a niggle to the left. Lay there for a few moments, then felt mout.h begin to fill with water, and my belly begin to grumble. Took myself off to the loo and had really bad diarrhoea. Had thought would vomit but didn't. Back in bed the pain was really sharp, and what really scared me was I could feel like a pressure building in my tummy and moving up to my chest, like it would pop. A funny noise from my belly too - not like a hunger grumble, almost like a loud trickling noise. 2 x further episodes of diarrhoea overnight.

Finally got some sleep, but slept upright. This morning my belly feels tender, like it is bruised between rib cage and belly button, no further diarrhoea, but I have to say it really really scared me. I haven't had a pain in my tummy for as long as I can remember, although I do get a bit of heartburn which I put down to wine (when I drink) or white bread etc and usually stops with a glass of milk (which I now always drink before bed) and or a nexium.

I'm really scared, it doesn't feel like what I normally experience with IBS, as with HA, I have an unhealthy fear of death, so am convinced now the pain in my belly I had was something very sinister, the pressure felt it was overwhelming me, felt it was moving up and was going to suffocate me.

Any body had something similar? I have done my utmost not to use GP since covid - I have been regarding some skin lesions which are cancer and I am having treatment for and isn't worrying me as I have had it before - and am getting my first vaccine on 1st April, so was really trying not to go until after that. My smear is due and again, I have been delaying it for a little while until after I've had my first jab. I think I will have to try to see somebody - I don't have a named GP anymore, he left, you get somebody different every time, and you can literally see their eyes glaze over as you try to tell them about your health anxiety.

I hope somebody can reassure me that I am not going mad! I will go to my GP but as explained, really am trying to delay it until after 1st jab if I can at all.

14-03-21, 11:14
It is hard for your mind not to wonder and fear to take over. Most people have a fear of death, so that's OK. I take it as I'm dead and that is it. There might or might not be an after life.

You have had the possible worse with your lesions and you are doing mentally OK with that so, that is good. Doctors eyes do glaze over for the fact that they see so many patients, particularly now with COVID. The thing is do you sleep OK. My anxiety hits the roof with lack of sleep. Give yourself a routine before you sleep, watch a comedy or quiz show, make sure you don't or drink for a few hours before and see how you feel a few days later. I do believe through HA we sort of see if an illness is true or our minds are over working.

Could your symptoms be food poisoning?

All the best

14-03-21, 11:26
It is hard for your mind not to wonder and fear to take over. Most people have a fear of death, so that's OK. I take it as I'm dead and that is it. There might or might not be an after life.&nbsp;<br><br>You have had the possible worse with your lesions and you are doing mentally OK with that so, that is good. Doctors eyes do glaze over for the fact that they see so many patients, particularly now with COVID. The thing is do you sleep OK. My anxiety hits the roof with lack of sleep. Give yourself a routine before you sleep, watch a comedy or quiz show, make sure you don't or drink for a few hours before and see how you feel a few days later. I do believe through HA we sort of see if an illness is true or our minds are over working.<br><br>Could your symptoms be food poisoning?<br><br>All the best<br><br><br>