View Full Version : Blood test and IBD

14-03-21, 12:13
I've had IBS symptoms for like 7-8 years now (maybe longer) and if it was something more serious like IBD, would my blood test 6 months ago picked up that there was some inflammation? I'm currently waiting for a stool sample to come back (fingers crossed it's tomorrow because I literally cannot wait any longer with this worry) so I'm just trying to do everything I can to keep my self calm. My stomach is in so much pain today from the constant anxiety and stress. I'm so over this awful illness!!!!


14-03-21, 12:31
It would show something if they did your CRP levels but only if there was inflammation on the day of the test. That wouldn't confirm IBD though.

14-03-21, 16:01
I knew it wouldn't show IBD, but I mean I have loose stools 90% of the time due to anxiety, which I assume is to do with IBS. So at the time of my blood test I definitely would have been experiencing symptoms, which made me think if it was from an inflammation disease and not my anxiety/IBS surely something would have atleast flagged?

14-03-21, 16:20
Nope - I have Crohn's and blood tests show everything as normal so I wouldn't rely on blood tests.

Sounds more like IBS to me but I guess you need to see what the doctor's recommend.

14-03-21, 17:24
Hi again, I am so sorry to be a pain, but I've found a potential symptom that could be quite serious and it has really freaked me out. So not yesterday but the day before, I had a huge bowl of fresh tomato soup. Well I've noticed today after going to the toilet that there is what looks like blood in my stools, but of course it could just be from the soup I had. I know digestion can take anywhere between 24-72 hours, so it wouldn't be unusual for it to just be that. But as you do have experience with IBD, is the blood found with that disease usually bright like that? Or is it darker?

Again I am so sorry to ask such personal questions.

14-03-21, 18:15
I get a lot of bleeding from piles and/or my diverticular but it is always bright red and not dark or black.

It could well be the tomato soup causing yours.

You are not a pain and happy to answer if I can.

14-03-21, 18:35
Thank you. Get my stool results back hopefully tomorrow, so just need to get through one more day (with any luck). Thank you for being patient with me

14-03-21, 19:37
I hope it is all ok and nothing to worry about.

15-03-21, 12:58
Just want to make sure this is a common symptom? According to the "Bristol stool chart" I've been having type 6 stools for the past couple of days now, but my anxiety is absolutely through the roof right now and wondered whether that is most likely the culprit? From when I wake up until I go to bed I have really intense butterflies in my stomach, like the nervous feeling you get before doing a speech or performing Infront of a large crowd. I'm not in any pain or anything, just having loose stools.

Thank you.

15-03-21, 14:09
Very common

Did you get your results bacK?

15-03-21, 14:36
Rang them this morning as I thought my Dr was meant to call today but it's actually tomorrow. I asked the receptionist whether my results were there and she said there's no comments left by the Dr so either they haven't arrived or I guess the receptionist isn't allowed to discuss what was in the results. Either way my anxiety is still out of control lol. Thank you for asking.

15-03-21, 16:18
Rang in such a frenzy, sobbing down the phone. The poor receptionist must have been in a state of shock. Anyway she told me they came back normal, I even got her to check again and she said yes they've come back normal. The relief was so intense my legs turned to jelly lol.

15-03-21, 17:14

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16-03-21, 12:59
Hi I just wanted to ask a quick question, hopefully so I can put all this stuff behind me. With the stool test coming back normal with no signs of inflammation or whatever, is it safe to say that IBD is out of the question? Or do you think it would be wise to pursue more actions to be completely sure? Obviously at the time of my stool test I was having symptoms such as diarrhea and Tenesmus, but they still came back normal. Do you think it's safe to leave it now?

16-03-21, 13:18
I have never had a stool test specifically to test for IBD so I am not sure on that one.

Maybe see how things go and if they don't improve then speak to your GP again and see what else they can suggest.

16-03-21, 13:28
Well my only symptom is having looser stools, which doesn't happen for no reason, it's usually down to anxiety or poor diet lol. They said the stool test would show signs of inflammation which could be caused by IBD, but obviously nothing came back. I've had these looser stools now for 8 years and have never developed into anything worse, so it is most likely down to IBS/Anxiety.

16-03-21, 14:51
Yeah most likely IBS.

17-03-21, 11:32
I had a normal bowel movement today. No pain, no looseness...Great! Wasn't the biggest, but still quite the accomplishment lol.

Also I don't suppose anyone knows, but apparently when giving in stool samples you aren't meant to collect it from the toilet..which I did. Now I don't know whether the results I got back are accurate or whether the people testing it would have seen it was contaminated and reported to my Dr that they couldn't test it correctly due to it being contaminated. So now I don't know whether to ask for another test?