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08-11-07, 00:53
today ive had some very disturbing news. it appears william although only just having startred at a new school after the holidays is being bullied. what is the school doing about this you may ask?

...nothing, other than support and understanding for the culprets!!!! this new liberal understanding society is just the pits. twice in a week he has gone home with bumps on his head.

let me just explain that william is 4 years old. he is a fun loving boy who looks at the world with wonder.

since his first day he has become withdrawn and sad and doesnt enjoy anything. hes gone off thomas the tank engine because someone told him its for babies.

one of these boys followed him into the toilets and started kicking him and has hurt his leg. apparently he did this so will would turn off a tap and be in trouble for not washing his hands.

also his teachgers have told angela hes not capable of doing things WE KNOW FULL WELL HE CAN DO! such as count spell his name play drums and knows about dinosaurs. this pc world means the boys who are attacking him and taunting him are being helped and getting extra attention (angela overheard the mother and the teacher discussing this) whilst my son is being made to feel like shit, and being physically attacked!

its been clear even though he has told his teacher and his mother about this that the school will not punish those responsible but seem to want to be extra nice to them!


there are no words to express how angry i am about this conduct, nor to express how useless and sad i feel that i am notthere to consolehim and protect him:weep:

but in this day and age of letting offenders get away with things and understanding just to let them get worse, is this really so surprising???

i dont think so, but this has already had a deeply troubling effect on a boy who really enjoys himself and like to enjoy his childhood. so far this is allwilliam will say. hes withdrawn and scared and i am absolutely furious with this attitude. there is no way the school should be able to justify not punishing the children responsible (and we kknow their names) or even tellthe parents that this behaviour will not be allowed to continue.

he has a graze down his thigh, bumps on his head, will not play like he used to or talk, and has even stopped eating lunch. and the very people in charge of his welfare during the day favour the feelings of the people bullying him.

tomorrow angelais going to make it perfectly clear that this is NOT on, and they had better take these words on board else heaven forbid if i have to go to northants and speakto the boys parents.

i am totally furious and sickened that a four year old can be treated like this by two boys (who i might add he tried very hard to be friends with) and victimised by the teachers too, whilst they have the bloody audacity to stand by these appalling actions.

what is this world coming to.

this is for my four year oldson who i havent seen since june...

i love you and your brother so much will, youre always in daddy's thoughts and i hope im always in yours. when you laugh i laugh and when you hurt i hurt. i wish so much i could be there for you now but it's not possible right now:hugs::weep:.

always remember son that im always here to try and protect you and id go to the ends of the earth to do it if i could. you twoare my shining stars in the big black sky, so never forget how much daddy loves you, cares about you, and think of you every minute of everyday.

one day im sure well have lots of good times together to make memories of, and we can do all the things you and i both wanted to do together:hugs:.

until then just remember what i said, i hope these words will reach you somehow, even if its through magic. you have no idea just how much i want to be there now and tuck you in and tell you that everything will be ok son., and we can play dinosaurs and play with the ball and go out to the park and enjoy ourselves:weep:

i dont know whether i can ever make much of a difference but i will never let anything bad ever happen to you or your brother as long as i can help it.

daddy loves you two so much. theres not a moment that goes past where i dont think about you and what youre doing.

be good, listen to mummy and dont ever let anyone ever make you feel youre less than what you are, which is a wonderfulblessing on life.

i love you will, i love you neil. sweet dreams

love daddyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:winks::D

08-11-07, 02:01
Oh Christ mate, so sorry to hear this.

Wish there was something I could do to help.

I ABHOR bullying as I was a victim myself.

You're right, we live in a world where the bullies and criminals are rewarded cos they're effing "misunderstood". Yeah right, they're just out and out scum.

A 4 year old boy is beaten and kicked and the perpretrators are being helped? WTF has gone wrong in our society?????

We need to get this country back for the decent people.

Owt I can do for you mate, you know how to reach me.


08-11-07, 09:51
Thats so awful for all of you. How disgusting that a 4 year old can be made to suffer like this and nothing be done about those doing it. What are children of this age doing it for anyway - doesnt say much for their home surroundings.

Hope its resolved asap for you all.

linda xx:hugs:

08-11-07, 10:23
Hi Joel,

Yup i got you on this one mate. Ben was being bullied at school last year, at first the little begger that was doing it just seemed to be getting away with it as he was known as a "problem child" and was given all the extra support. Not only was he making Bens life miserable but other students and teachers too :ohmy: .

It wasn't till Ben started to come home with bruises that i though NO WAY. From then on i was NEVER off the heads back, i wrote letters, i phoned, i went up and i kept doing it. I got on their back as much as this kid was getting on bens back, and it paid off. The kid was thought too much hard work and was removed from the school.

Thinking of you Joel


08-11-07, 11:19
hi joel realy sorry to hear bout your son it always seems to be the bulleys that get away with it all i no that threw experience with both my kids at school .for some unknown reasons the bulleys always have extra attention off teachers etc wich i think is realy wrong .i think its absolutely discusting at how bulleys get special attention and get away with so many things and its realy upsetting knowing wat your 4 year old son is going threw .i do hope that it gets sorted out soon its realy not nice i realy feel for you all especialy your little boy who should be happy at school .tc joel elaine xx

08-11-07, 11:48
Hi Joel,

Sorry to hear this. I hope you can get it sorted.

We have dealt with this all the way thru school with Josh. He is now in 10th grade. I don't understand it, and get really upset about it.

Just this week, Josh was in class, a kid he knews, but doesn't hang out with threw a shoe across the room at him. So Josh being Josh picked it up and threw it back, however guess who the teacher caught Josh. So now he has to stay after school on Friday for dentition and yes, the other kid gets to go home.

It seems that the problem is wild spread in the schools today.

08-11-07, 11:51
I understand and know exactly too. It is so awful and it should not be tolerated! His mum must go into the school and make them do something. Your son has been physically assaulted and this is a police matter at the end of the day. I know that sounds silly, but it doesn't matter how old your son is or how old the culprits are, it is still physical assault in the eyes of the law. I know as i have been through this with my daughter, many years ago. She was having her toes stamped on at every opportunity by a boy at school. It kept on and on and on, we contacted the school who did nothing at all. And it got to the stage where her nail had dug into her toe causing an ingrowing toe nail because of this. I complained and said that if something was not done then i would persue this matter through other means for physical assault. The school then did something and it stopped, the boy involved and the boys parents were apparentely terrified of my taking it further and even going to court! But that IS how serios bullying is and i detest even the word! I was bullied for my whole high school years, from start to finish and i believe this is why i have never had any confidence in myself. I always swore that when i had children this would never happen to them, EVER! And i make sure it doesn't. If there has ever been a moment when i have thought something was going on i have been straight in that school demanding something be done OR ELSE!
I hope your son is feeing better now and i would tell his mum to take him into the school and show off all the marks and bruises on him and make sure they know how serious this is and that she could and would take it further if something is not done right now.
I wish you all the best and please let me know how he goes on. Bless him, such a shame for him to go through something so awful.x

08-11-07, 17:14
er angie...

the age of criminal responsibility is 10 mate.

but yes ange went in. apparently it couldnt be this one boy as he 'wouldnt say boo to a goose', so it must be the other one.

well hopefully this will enthis matter. if ihave to go and see the parents of these boys there will be big trouble!!!!

08-11-07, 19:04
joel get ang to get on to the education officer and tell them and the govs of the school
and tell her to take pics of the bruise or what is done to him so she can go and show them
simillar thing happened to my little lad and i wasnt happy tell her to even tell the doctor they would right to the school
try and get almost everyone invoveled

08-11-07, 23:56
Sorry, only trying to help as i look upon this sort of thing as very serious indeed.
Hope he's ok.