View Full Version : Nose cancer fears

16-03-21, 12:17
I’ve suffered with nose scabs for years and think nothing of it but the last month, a white swelling has developed on the inside of one of my nostrils (on the septum part? I don’t know the correct anatomical name!) it’s like a white lump that’s sore to touch, it doesn’t bleed but I do get nose bleeds when blowing my nose which I assume is due to weak blood vessels. Because it’s a white lump, I’m stressed out that it’s a cancerous growth especially as I’ve done extensive googling and found nobody with this problem :(

16-03-21, 12:40
The extensive googling will always say cancer.

Why can't it be a spot/boil/cyst?

23-01-22, 12:02
I know this is an old post but did you ever find out what it is? I have the same problem although my nose lump isn’t sore. Thanks x