View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer Fear

16-03-21, 14:09
Hi all! This is my first post on here. I have been lurking for a while now due to various HA related ‘illnesses’!

Just looking for some advice on my current symptoms.

For the past week or so I have noticed that my stomach rumbles/gurgles/is noisier than usual. I’ve also noticed that I have a full ache situated in my middle to upper back on left side. I’m not 100% sure if I’m bloated or not as I think my mind is playing tricks on me.

My stool is ok - brown, sinking and sausage like with no evidence of blood.

My urine is straw coloured as I drink a fair bit of fluids.

Obviously I’m really worried that middle/upper dull aching in back is a sign of pancreatic cancer! I’m going down the google rabbit hole again!

I had MND/ALS fears a few weeks ago and spoke with the dr and had a blood test. Everything came back ok except for my Liver Function test which indicated I had slightly raised Bilirubin levels and that I may have Gilbert’s Syndrome. I’m worried that the Dr may have misdiagnosed the Gilbert’s syndrome and that I actually have something a lot more serious.

Any help and advice would go a long way.

Thanks in advance 😀

01-05-21, 11:56
I've been going through same problems with more and more symptoms as time goes on.....check out my posts to see my journey....