View Full Version : Physical Symptoms of anxiety

16-03-21, 18:41
Hello I know this has probably all been said before but I don't come on here much and just want to get anyone's opinion about the physical symptoms you can have when you suffer from g a d ive started getting some horrible symptoms just out of nowhere, I'm OK one minute then I just come over hot then cold a headache like floaty head feel full and like I'm watching a film and dint seem real and it makes me panic I also feel a bit sick, it lasts quite a while I had it bad today I had to lay down it eased a bit and now I feel really weak no energy and a headache but a bit better than I did, I know anxiety can make you feel some symptoms but these feelings are horrible and scary, so now its worrying me how it came out of nowhere, do anyone else ever feel like this , thank you

16-03-21, 18:49
Check THIS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) out.

Positive thoughts

16-03-21, 19:41
Thank you for that fishmanpa so interesting and so true and so good to read these symptoms and know they exist and your not going mad , just wouldn't believe anxiety and worry can do this to your body and make you feel so bad , I don't understand what makes these feelings come on when your feeling alright and don't seem to be anxious at the time it just knocks me out for the rest of the day just drains me I might have had worry and stress a few days before can it come out on your body days later I suppose it can , thanks again really helpful.

16-03-21, 19:46
Extremely common, but look at FMP's link.

The list of VERY common symptoms is almost endless.

In terms of the reasons why, anxiety is most often the result of long term stress that you may or may not have noticed. This can be anything, emotional, dietary, physical, work, relationships, a mixture of multiple sources of stress.

For example, somebody can get into a habit of staying up late, not doing enough exercise, drinking too much, smoking too much and not eating healthily and assuming it's all 'normal'. It's not normal, eventually your body will fight back hard. By the time it's fought back it's generally too late, and recovery can take a while.

Perhaps have a stand back and really think about it 'coming from nowhere', as it probably isn't.

16-03-21, 20:20
Thank you that all makes sense what you said and I suppose it don't just come on out of nowhere because I am constantly stressed and there's always something to worry about its just today when it happened I thought I was having a good morning but when this really horrible symptoms just started it made me panic and couldn't think why I was feeling like that, I just had to get myself to a chair to sit down then ended up on the bed I just had to lay down it felt like I couldn't move it was horrible, it lasted a good few hours and now I just have a headache, I didn't have palpitations and I couldn't feel my heart pumping fast so I don't think it was a panic attack, thanks again ankietyjoe.

17-03-21, 11:01
Sounds exactly like anxiety. It's common to think that anxiety only comes in the form of a panic attack, but that's just not true. It can be far more subtle and pervasive long term.

If you're stressed and worrying about thing, THOSE are the things to tackle. It's so important to change your relationship with stress and worry, and part of that is stopping yourself from ruminating and thinking about things you can't change, and even reducing the amount of time thinking about things in general.

Yes, we know it's hard, that's why you have to practice it.