View Full Version : Back again. Don’t want to go down the rabbit hole

17-03-21, 15:12
Hey guys been a while

Around Christmas I pulled a muscle in my shoulder blade and it was agony!
Since then I’ve had pain on and off there around my neck and arm!
Me being me I’m worrying the pain is more sinister than just a pulled muscle
Does a pulled muscle take a while to get better?
It was doing well but last week I helped my brother move into a new house and did loads of lifting upstairs!
Can someone please put my mind at rest

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17-03-21, 15:27
Pulled muscles take ages, yes. You're fine.

17-03-21, 16:35
Ok, it’s agony today! Can’t believe how bad the muscle pain is!

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17-03-21, 18:14
Pulled muscles are the worst!! I ruined my shoulder just by my bad sleeping habits and it took 7 months to heal. Even now it still flares up when I sleep in an incorrect position. At its peak I couldn't even move my neck. It just takes time and rehabilitation.

19-03-21, 20:47
Sounds like you pulled it again when lifting. Relax as being tense wont help