View Full Version : Fluoxetine and Buspirone

20-03-21, 07:23
Has anyone ever tried this combo with success?

20-03-21, 10:57
Is it not working for you?

20-03-21, 10:59
It’s hard to say. I’m on week 3 and still very up and down. Afternoons and evenings I seem almost myself again. Which strangely was the pattern when I started on fluoxetine.

21-03-21, 08:18
How much buspirone are you on and when do you take it?

21-03-21, 08:23
I take 5mg 3 x a day, one at 5.30am, one at 11am and the last one at 4pm. Could the increased anxiety be because it’s increasing the effect of my fluoxetine?

22-03-21, 10:31
Yes, it could be.

If you don't see further improvement in the next week or two then the buspirone dose probably needs to be raised. Most augment studies used 30-45mg/day in 3 divided doses. 3 x 10mg/day is also the most common buspirone dose prescribed to diminish SSRI side-effects such as bruxism (teeth grinding) and sexual dysfunction.