View Full Version : Small pupil on one side

20-03-21, 09:10
Hi everyone, I’m hoping someone may be able to tell me if they’ve experienced anything similar to this. I noticed last week that my left pupil looked smaller than the other and seems to dilate less in a dim room. I’ve never noticed this before (although have never really scrutinised my eyes). It was the same week that I had a bad headache on the left temple for a few days and was very stressed and anxious. I saw two doctors (as have family history of brain aneurysm) and they both said the difference in pupil size is very small and weren’t concerned. They did a neuro exam and a CT scan for reassurance which were all normal. They suggested I see an optician which I did and they also said eyes were normal/didn’t raise any concerns about anything. Headache has gone now but I’m still tense and stressed and pupil still looks small/more noticeable in dim light. Has anyone experienced similar? I really want to just ‘let this go’ but finding it hard.

20-03-21, 15:31
There is nothing about our bodies that is symmetrical. It’s completely normal to have small differences between the left side and right side. You’ve gotten the all clear from the doctors, time to let this go and work on getting the stress levels down!

20-03-21, 21:34
Aniscoria - Physiologic (also known as simple or essential) anisocoria is the most common cause of unequal pupil sizes, affecting up to 20% of the population. It is a benign condition.

So, with 20 percent of the population having the same issue, that would make a lot of people who experience similar. I personally having a noticeable difference in dim light - its nothing to be concerned about. You have been checked by a doctor and an optician, therefore you can be certain that you have a benign and common slight pupil size difference.

31-03-21, 10:08
I also have different sized pupils. I noticed it a couple of months ago and I'm constantly worried about that :( I don't think I've had this before.

02-04-21, 10:58
13 years ago I noticed that my left pupil was slightly larger in dim light. I panicked massively, took literally hundreds of photos on my phone of my eyes and even sent a photo of my eyes to my daughter's boyfriend by mistake 😳 I went to the optician and had my eyes tested, they were fine. Seemingly it's more common in people with blue eyes.