View Full Version : Please help - Mouth cancer fear

08-11-07, 06:54

Would love any advice as am getting worried now.

I often bite the inside of my cheek in my sleep and now notice I have a raised white line at the inside of my cheek near my back molars. I foolishly read health book whih said raised white lesions can be leukoplakia a condition which can be pre cancerous and need to be removed by Dr. So off i went.

Dr said he can not see it clearly and its up to me if i want to go to a dermatologist and gave me a referral.

What i am wondering is ... if you bite the inside of your mouth can you tell me if you get a raised white area as it heals? Or do any of you have while scar area inaside your cheeks? I don't remember biting it but sometimes in my sleep? Perhaps it is this...any feedback would make me feel alot better... reading about leukoplakia on internet I dont have a patch more a line of raised skin thats white...aaaaggghhhhh!

Thanks !!!!!

08-11-07, 06:56
Sorry forgot to add any info on mouth cancer what it is like would be good too so i can rule it out- I don't want to spook myself by searching the internet anymore

Love SUE x

08-11-07, 08:25
Also could be lichen planus- which is what it is more likely to be - Dr just referreed me on as knows i will stress withoutn proper diagnosis and gave no indication but did googleand saw pics of this and this is a little like what I have which is only 1cm long in a Y shape. Any advise much much appreciated

08-11-07, 08:33
Have you seen a dentist recently? They often rule these things out quite easily and their surgeries are equipped to be able to see it more easily.

08-11-07, 11:15
Hi there Sue!

Don't know if this is of any help, but I chew the inside of my mouth when I'm either nervous or concentrating and don't realise I'm doing it a lot of the time until people ask what I'm eating !! (I suddenly realised I was doing it when I read your post lol!:huh::blush:) - don't know if I do it in my sleep (I'll ask dahling hubby!)

Yes, I have seen raised white lines (just nipped to the 'ladies' to check and yep, there they are!) and just put it down to my 'chewing' so I hope you find this encouraging.

Think Jo's advice is wise - go see your dentist and tell him what you do in your sleep. I'm sure he'll be able to put your mind at ease.

Big hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:


08-11-07, 11:31
Hi Sue,
I don't bite my cheek in my sleep but when I was younger I had all kinds of braces and sometimes I would get my cheek caught between wires and this would nip at it as teeth would. I used to get white raised bits when this happened, I suspect this is where the mouth heals. Still, it is probably best to go to the dentist as groovy granny said to put your mind at rest!


08-11-07, 18:22
Hi Sue

ive sent you a email,

anx xx

08-11-07, 20:34
I bite the insides of my cheeks all the time and get y shaped raised white skin. It's where it heals (and then I bite that and all :blush: ).

08-11-07, 20:36
At least I assume it's due to that as it's on the inside of my cheek at the same level of the "biting" tooth (teeth).

08-11-07, 20:59
My guess is that they are scars.


08-11-07, 21:37
I was same as Lucy, had braces when I was younger and it kept catching inside my cheeks and I had same white thin raised scars

08-11-07, 22:33
IS is hard where you have the scaring where you have bitten it????

PS Thanks this is great you are helping me

08-11-07, 22:54

Ive got raised hard white lines on the inside of my cheeks as I always chew the inside of my cheek,I also had braces which rubbed all the time so I had marks from them too

H x

09-11-07, 05:33
Thanks so much everyone.. i do feel a little better but horrifically anxious at the moment. Think more worried anbout the fact that it feels harder and not smooth and moist like mouth tissue....god am driving myself insane slowly over this !!!!!

09-11-07, 22:19
Hi Everyone

Just to let you know I took your advise and went to a dentist. I do have white bite lines and trhe one I was particularly was worried about is also a bite line but formed like a callous - he called it lineus alba just a simple callous not cancerous or pre cancerous.

Thanks so much for all your help and support - i appreciate it so much!!!

Love and big hug

09-11-07, 22:20
That must be a relief for yousus, well done for getting it checked out.

09-11-07, 22:25
Hi Sue

A BIG well done from me too hun:yesyes: , so pleased to hear you went and got the matter looked at, hopefuly you can stop worrying and move on now.

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

09-11-07, 22:45
Sus - I merged your threads so they are all together