View Full Version : Visual Disturnances and tinnitus caused by anxiety/Positive stories please

21-03-21, 05:11
Hey guys! Back in 2019 in early weeks of pregnancy I experienced an increase in vision floaters, panicked and immediately saw an optometrist, eyes are perfectly healthy. Felt relieved for an hour, then became hyper aware of every nuance in my vision. I then notice after images/ghosted images. Convince myself now there is really something wrong, nope vision still normal, just short sighted in one eye. I then get ocular migrane with aura and after a really traumatic life event, flashes in my vision, flickers of light and static. Called my GP, explained all of the above as well as getting constant tinnitus after only hearing it occasionally. Is it serious? Was my first question? No! You are just chronically stressed and stuck in fight or flight mode and this is all your body's reaction to it. Again found short relief then returned to panic.

I am now getting scotomas/kaleidoscope vision/flashes/Halos/Starburst...seems the more I panic, the more my symptoms increase. I also have tinnitus too. When I am fully present I notice nothing wrong with my hearing or vision, minute I look for it, it is ALL there!! I found alot of assurance on a website called anxiety centre which describes visual disturbances and tinnitus as common and harmless anxiety symptoms. I keep re-reading it daily to assure myself but thought it would help to reach out on here.

Seems crazy to me anxiety can cause so many symptoms which are so persistent. Am currently seeking help for anxiety disorder as I don't want it ruling me or my life, it is such a drain! Am actually a really sociable person who loves to be out and about meeting people. So lockdown has been a massive battle for me! Can't wait to get back to the gym classes I love so much and that I found helped me get a handle on anxiety.

Any words of encouragement or assurance/positive stories would be welcomed! As it is too easy to feel like I am the only one in this battle. Thank you in advance!

23-03-21, 05:58
I've had visual disturbances for months, on and off with stressful events. Saw an optometrist same as you, I'm perfectly healthy and very young. All the time I see many people both here and on Reddit who don't know that anxiety causes these things and totally freak out. You're fine! :)

24-03-21, 06:14
I have the same thing sister! I’m also very young doctor isn’t worried. As a mater of fact I was talking to my coworker the other day about that and they said they saw similar stuff.

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31-03-21, 04:19
Same here ! I’ve been having a ton of visual issues for the last year, and my eyes were checked and I was told they’re perfectly healthy. My eye doctor also told me it’s a combination of anxiety and being hyper aware of normal visual activity that most people just block out. I have almost every single one of your symptoms! The flashes are what bother me most. I get flashes and flickers of light in my vision whenever My eyes are adjusted to the dark and I go into the light. Whenever I blink or move my eyes I see strange flashes. I get the starbursts, floaters, ghosting, afterimages, halos and rainbow halos around lights. It’s been awful, and I’m constantly working on trying to ignore them. But just take comfort in knowing that there’s a lot of people who have the same issues, and I’ve never read a post where someone had something seriously wrong!

03-04-21, 18:24
Hey all! Thank you so much for your re assuring replies that I'm not the only one with these issues. I also find after images are much worse if I look at anything bright. I see after images in different colours like a load of camera flashes went off. Wondering if its light sensitivity too? After I first had a increase in floaters, my first symptom of many my mind has been on high alert to any and every nuance in my vision. I am not sure about you guys but this covid crisis/lack of social interaction which was a big part of how I coped with anxiety has definitely intensified it. On a lighter note though, days are getting lighter, Spring is in bloom and am enjoying meet ups with friends and family in the fine weather which is a huge blessing to me. Counting down the days till gyms re open as that is another way of combating anxiety for me . Thanks again for your replies!

16-04-21, 06:57
Wow, I am so glad I found this thread. I've been getting visual disturbances for the past couple/few years (can't pinpoint when it started) and I've been checked at the hospital and opticians and both found that my eyes were fine. Mine are mostly constant and I ignore them or don't let them work me up, but the anxiety about them still sits at the back of my mind and if I focus on them or my anxiety increases then I notice them a lot more. It's so reassuring to find others that have a similar problem but who have also been checked out and are fine (well, as fine as you can be with anxiety). Thank you everybody.

16-04-21, 10:20
Wow, I am so glad I found this thread. I've been getting visual disturbances for the past couple/few years (can't pinpoint when it started) and I've been checked at the hospital and opticians and both found that my eyes were fine. Mine are mostly constant and I ignore them or don't let them work me up, but the anxiety about them still sits at the back of my mind and if I focus on them or my anxiety increases then I notice them a lot more. It's so reassuring to find others that have a similar problem but who have also been checked out and are fine (well, as fine as you can be with anxiety). Thank you everybody.

I'm with tinnitus most of the time. Doesn't really affect me, but it goes away when I'm feeling ok. I also find it hard to visually concentrate or disturbed visuals at times, and then i worry, and then boomz. You get the drill.
It's pretty normal. Just acknowledge it, and carry on. So just 2 days ago, I was on a zoom interview for a new job and this thing happened, I had a huge inability to concentrate on the screen(phone), and was sweating and wanted to run away(just a feeling). So i had to use coping skills to continue and push through it.
Bottom line, acknowledge, fight on, life is great.


16-04-21, 11:45
I'm with tinnitus most of the time. Doesn't really affect me, but it goes away when I'm feeling ok. I also find it hard to visually concentrate or disturbed visuals at times, and then i worry, and then boomz. You get the drill.
It's pretty normal. Just acknowledge it, and carry on. So just 2 days ago, I was on a zoom interview for a new job and this thing happened, I had a huge inability to concentrate on the screen(phone), and was sweating and wanted to run away(just a feeling). So i had to use coping skills to continue and push through it.
Bottom line, acknowledge, fight on, life is great.


Wow, that's impressive that you managed to face it head on and use techniques to get through it. What coping skills did you use?