View Full Version : Yellow eyes

22-03-21, 12:23
My eyes have a very pale yellow hue to them. They have for as long as I can remember, but sometimes barely noticeable, other times more so. Not a bright yellow like I see in photographs at all, and GPS have always said no, if I have asked them if they were jaundiced.

But I have Health anxiety, particularly about my liver, which is real, not imagined.

My question is this morning I was doing my normal check ......doh!!..... and pulled my upper lids up....not thought of doing that before....and the sclera under the eyelids is perfectly white.

If I had jaundice, would ALL of the sclera be affected, or just the parts on show??

Thank you

22-03-21, 12:40
Trust your GP on this one - they know what to look for and you don't really.

22-03-21, 17:40
Trust your GP on this one - they know what to look for and you don't really.

Yes, I guess so.........just so weird I wondered if I was imagining it! :)

29-03-21, 21:51
I find this interesting because I have the same. The whites of my eyes, hidden under the lids and not on show, has always as long as I can remember, had a pale yellow tinge. Now one thing I do know about myself is that I have Gilbert’s Syndrome, which is slightly raised bilirubin levels but I’ve been assured it isn’t dangerous!

04-04-21, 20:10
I find this interesting because I have the same. The whites of my eyes, hidden under the lids and not on show, has always as long as I can remember, had a pale yellow tinge. Now one thing I do know about myself is that I have Gilbert’s Syndrome, which is slightly raised bilirubin levels but I’ve been assured it isn’t dangerous!

Mine are the other way round, the whites under the eyelids are white, it is the rest I think look pale yellow. Again, bloods are done, GP hasn't alerted me to any raised bilirubin - and I think that they looked worse when I felt unwell than they do now I am beginning to feel a little bit better! Thank you for your reply!