View Full Version : Worse again

22-03-21, 13:25
Hey, so a lot has been going on again, was kind of trying and was working until the dreaded smear, anyway past week or so I ain't felt the best anyway tries ignoring it anyway now my smear results came back high grade dyskaryosis and HPV positive high risk whatever I have a op for tomorrow for biopsy etc. Fine i mean I've cried for days.

Fast forward to yesterday.. I keep having like pins and needles in my legs now and again bottom calves like, and my one hand, put these together I've came up with a brain tumor. Spoke to my GP who said he's sure it's not and it's anxiety and brain tumor doesn't start like that etc made me feel ok saying its hyperventilation and could be because I do have low b12 vitD and iron levels are low. (Started meds for that now). But seriously today u feel so weird.. I know I'm tensed etc and crying alot but I feel very tired to the point I could just drop, is this even normal. I feel light headed now and again its sent me into a panic attack. I just can't cope again,my arm hurts to like pains in it and it's left arm, is it from tension?

I honestly don't feel right or normal and uts hard for me to just think its just anxiety again.

My friends mom has just died she also suffered health anxiety. Had scans alot etc anyway she had pneumonia did a scan found lung cancer and she was dead within 4 days like what the hell!

Loads of things are going on what could I suppose potentially make me feel worse regarding anxiety but surely it can't be anxiety all my symtpms etc.

I am dreading tomorrow incase it comes back it's cancer.

I'm just not brave. I wish I was but I'm not.

Now today I've cried most the day which I know can make me feel weird regarding ny head anyway but I just feel weird. Sorry for keep saying it but I dunno what to do :(

I don't wanna go back to the walk in or ring my gp again incase it is anxiety and I'm wasting there time and I only spoken to them yesterday. But the tiredness for me is weird I hate it.

23-03-21, 18:36
Update. Had my biopsy and abnormal cells removed nurse said its not cancer but was best to get them off. But I'm still afraid of these strange sensations in one hand arm (left) and legs now and again. I hate anxiety.