View Full Version : New Therapist

22-03-21, 22:58
Hi All,
I met with my new therapist today. I liked him and the session went well.

He put a slightly different spin on my health anxiety than my other therapists have. To understand, you need to know that my husband, who died two years ago, emotionally abused me for the nearly 40 years of our relationship. Fallout from that abuse continues to mar the relationships I have with my five children. They were caught up in my husband’s attempts to turn them against me. Sigh. Life is hard.

My situation might not be the same as yours, but my new therapist told me to look on my health anxiety as my psyche’s way of trying to protect me from more pain. It doesn’t end up doing that, but my response to the pain I suffered could be much, much worse.

My new therapist said to be patient with my anxiety as we work on my underlying issues. When I can feel safe again, my anxiety may just go away on its own.

So, you’re stuck with me for a while. I told my therapist I’m a reassurance junky. He, again, said we’d focus on healing my trauma first.

As always, I’m very isolated right now and struggling with all kinds of issues. I’m grateful for any sort of comfort I can get. Thank you for being a place I can turn to.

P.S. He thinks my seeing my hand with my eyes closed probably means I have good visualization skills, but said to just keep track of things like that.


22-03-21, 23:05
I think it’s great that you found a therapist you connected with. And good job telling them about your forum participation. I think it’s super important to be completely open and honest with your therapist if you hope to get any good out of the therapy. To be honest, one of the reasons I’ve never been successful in therapy. It’s very easy for me to blurt out whatever on a forum full of strangers lol. Totally different situation doing it face to face with someone. So good job on that!!!

23-03-21, 10:47
Good on you Cptdebbie. Therapy is so important. I'm glad you've found someone to help you you work on your anxiety. I've got my own thread on the Therapy board where I'm detailing my experience with schema therapy. I find it helpful to write about it, you might consider starting your own thread :)

24-03-21, 02:52
Thank you for your support!! It means a lot to me.