View Full Version : Petrified about son, please help!

24-03-21, 20:51
Many of you know me, I have always been huge worrier, and I suffer from severe HA and OCD. Episode with my son sent me into despair, worse then ever. I apologize in advance for long post, but I need to share this:
Last Saturday ( March 22nd), my 22 year old son went out, and he has some goods friends, so it was this completely normal thing. He usually comes back late, but he does not drink, so I am usually not overly worried ( just normal Mommy worries). I got up Sunday morning, and my husband told me that my son actually came home around 7 am ( my husband was already up), very drunk, and covered all over with his own vomit. He made him undress completely, and threw everything in the garbage, and helped him shower properly. He put him to bed and said to me: It happens, do not bother him, let him sleep it off. However, his bank called to say that there were some suspicious charges on his debit card, so we managed to cancel both cards, and sure enough, they were not in his wallet.To make it short: when he finally got up Sunday night, he told us he was very sad, started drinking in bars, and when they closed ( earlier due to Covid), he went to a liquor store and bought a bottle of vodka and sat in the park and started drinking. He did not remember anything from that point on. He was also banged up, on his forehead, and his hands had several wounds. Sunday evening he was still groggy but not drunk, he was normal.
Monday morning he remembered that a policeman came to him in the park, and called EMT (ambulance). He remembered that they looked at him, took his vitals, and said he was OK, but very drunk and he should be sent home. A policeman put him in the cab and that is how he came home. Yesterday he went to the doctor who examined his bruises, and told him there was no concussion, but added that he obviously does not know how to pace himself, and that he should stop drinking for now completely and that he was still not "himself" because his body was still getting rid of the poison. However: yesterday evening he got a horrible panic attack because when he went to the bathroom , his underwear had a big fresh blood stain. I was trying to calm him down because he does have some hemorrhoids and it is not unheard of that heavy liquor can really irritate them. But he could not be calmed, because he started thinking that he was raped while being blacked out. My husband said that his clothes were NOT torn, just vomited over, and his shirt was still tucked and his belt was on as well, when he came home. But we are going to the doctor back tomorrow, to see what he says. Needless to say, I am absolutely beside myself, because the only thing I can think of is HIV. But, my husband saw no blood on his clothes that morning. So if he was raped, wouldn't there be blood that day, and a lot of pain? Would the doctor tomorrow be able to see if he was raped? Of course, we will test him too, but , we cannot test for at least another week for HIV, for it to be conclusive. I have a very good friend that I shared this with, and she said that rape would definitely sober him up, he would remember such horror, and pain for sure. Please pray for us, and give me some comfort, if at all possible. I am dying from fear.

24-03-21, 21:36
Oh poor boy, what an ordeal.
I don’t know why either of you jumped to the worst case scenario, but it would be a good thing to talk about at the doctor too.

I hope he’s ok - and gets help for the things that are bothering him.

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24-03-21, 21:58
Thank you Scass for your kind words.
He jumped to the worst case scenario because he learned it from me, long ago. Before his panic attack about rape last evening, since he woke up on Sunday, I kept on asking him: Are you sure nobody touched you? How can you be sure, if you were that drunk?! God knows what happened to you that you do not remember!

He knew how my mind works, and he subconsciously knew what I was thinking, and that is why, I believe, when he saw a blood stain last evening, that thought jumped on him.
We will talk to the doctor tomorrow, and I guess, I just have to somehow survive the " window period", so that he can get tested.
https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/image/svg xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmc vMjAwMC9zdmciIHhtbG5zOnhsaW5rPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczL m9yZy8xOTk5L3hsaW5rIiB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzI iIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiI CiAgPGRlZnM CiAgICA8cG9seWdvbiBpZD0ic21hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWEiIH BvaW50cz0iMCAwIDMyIDAgMzIgMzIgMCAzMiIvPgogIDwvZGVm cz4KICA8ZyBmaWxsPSJub25lIiBmaWxsLXJ1bGU9ImV2ZW5vZG QiPgogICAgPG1hc2sgaWQ9InNtYWxsLXZpc2VtZS12My1iIiBm aWxsPSIjZmZmIj4KICAgICAgPHVzZSB4bGluazpocmVmPSIjc2 1hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWEiLz4KICAgIDwvbWFzaz4KICAgIDx1 c2UgZmlsbD0iIzQyODVGNCIgeGxpbms6aHJlZj0iI3NtYWxsLX Zpc2VtZS12My1hIi8 CiAgICA8cGF0aCBmaWxsPSIjRDJFM0ZDIiBkPSJNMCwxNS4yMz k3OTYzIEMyLjU0Mzg1NzE0LDE4Ljg3MDUyMDMgNS42NTIsMjIu MDgyMTk0NiA5LjIwMjI4NTcxLDI0Ljc0NDg3NjkgQzEzLjIxMT U3MTQsMjcuNzUxNzA3NyAxOC43ODg0Mjg2LDI3Ljc1MTcwNzcg MjIuNzk3NzE0MywyNC43NDQ4NzY5IEMyNi4zNDgsMjIuMDgyMT k0NiAyOS40NTYxNDI5LDE4Ljg3MDUyMDMgMzIsMTUuMjM5Nzk2 MyBMMzIsLTcgTDAsLTcgTDAsMTUuMjM5Nzk2MyBaIiBtYXNrPS J1cmwoI3NtYWxsLXZpc2VtZS12My1iKSIvPgogICAgPHBhdGgg ZmlsbD0iIzQyODVGNCIgZmlsbC1vcGFjaXR5PSIuNiIgZD0iTT E2LDIxLjIzMDY0OTIgQzE2LjkyNjA5OTEsMjEuMjMwNjQ5MiAx Ny43OTEyNDY3LDIxLjQ5NDMxNTcgMTguNTI3MjEzNSwyMS45NT E1MDE5IEMxOC44MTA0NDEsMjIuMTI3MzMwOSAxOS4xMzYyNzM4 LDIxLjc4ODc0ODUgMTguOTQwMzc5OSwyMS41MTY0Njc0IEMxOC 4yNzg1NTU2LDIwLjU5NzMyNjMgMTcuMjA4MTEzNiwyMCAxNiwy MCBDMTQuNzkxODg2NCwyMCAxMy43MjE0NDQ0LDIwLjU5NzMyNj MgMTMuMDU5NjIwMSwyMS41MTY0Njc0IEMxMi44NjM3MjYyLDIx Ljc4ODc0ODUgMTMuMTg5NTU5LDIyLjEyNzMzMDkgMTMuNDcyNz g2NSwyMS45NTE1MDE5IEMxNC4yMDg3NTMzLDIxLjQ5NDMxNTcg MTUuMDczOTAwOSwyMS4yMzA2NDkyIDE2LDIxLjIzMDY0OTIiIG 1hc2s9InVybCgjc21hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWIpIi8 CiAgICA8cGF0aCBzdHJva2U9IiM0Mjg1RjQiIHN0cm9rZS1saW 5lY2FwPSJzcXVhcmUiIGQ9Ik0yNSwxMyBDMjMsMTUuMzMzMzMz MyAyMCwxNi41IDE2LDE2LjUgQzEyLDE2LjUgOSwxNS4zMzMzMz MzIDcsMTMgTDEzLDEwLjUgTDE5LDEwLjUgTDI1LDEzIFoiIG1h c2s9InVybCgjc21hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWIpIi8 CiAgICA8cG9seWdvbiBmaWxsPSIjNDI4NUY0IiBmaWxsLXJ1bG U9Im5vbnplcm8iIHBvaW50cz0iOCAxNCA3IDEzIDI1IDEzIDI0 IDE0IiBtYXNrPSJ1cmwoI3NtYWxsLXZpc2VtZS12My1iKSIvPg ogICAgPHBhdGggc3Ryb2tlPSIjNDI4NUY0IiBzdHJva2UtbGlu ZWNhcD0icm91bmQiIGQ9Ik0yMCwzIEwxNy43Njc4NzUsNS4yNT g5MjYyMiBDMTYuNzkxNSw2LjI0NzAyNDU5IDE1LjIwODUsNi4y NDcwMjQ1OSAxNC4yMzIxMjUsNS4yNTg5MjYyMiBMMTIsMyIgbW Fzaz0idXJsKCNzbWFsbC12aXNlbWUtdjMtYikiLz4KICA8L2c Cjwvc3ZnPgo= (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAQRFK_enUS793US802&q=how+to+pronounce+subconsciously&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcTowC3w8sc9YSnzSWtOXmM05OIN KMrPK81LzkwsyczPE5LiYglJLcoVEpIS4OIrLk1Kzs8rTs7MLy 3OqbRiUWJKzeNZxCqfkV-uUJKvUADUmQ_UmqqAqhAAtbpkV2cAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAmr-69cnvAhUXFlkFHbkHCI8Q3eEDMAB6BAgCEAc)

24-03-21, 22:01
Maybe you could ask for help too?
It must be terrifying not being able to remember what he got up to. But it happens a lot to boys that age. Nevertheless they aren’t usually alone. This has been a tough year, so hopefully you can both get a bit of help.

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25-03-21, 01:11
Lana, I have 2 sons and just reading your post made my heart pound and my eyes fill with tears.

At this point to even start to heal from this trauma you all need to hear from the dr and get a clear test result.

You're work is not finished then, why was he feeling so sad in the first place?

Please make him understand he can come to you or his dad no matter what without judgment.

Keep us posted you've got my mom worry going

25-03-21, 12:02
Dear Nancy,

Being (good) mother is very hard - I actually believe that my depression started as post partum depression, and after that it evolved into huge anxiety, when he was little, that something will happen to me and he will be left without mother. That anxiety never disappeared, just sprouted various variants during all these years, and is still with me...

I am very close with my son, who himself had severe OCD for several years in high school, but later, with a good therapist and Lexapro, got rid of it completely. However, he is very complicated young man. He is excellent student ( soon will be graduating from college), runs a literally magazine, speaks several languages fluently, but takes after me when it comes to being very "high strung" individual.

I talk to him all the time, I know all his moods, and try to help without hovering over him at this point. I really did not notice that day that anything was wrong, and still have no idea why he did it.

Thank you very much for your friendly words. We are going today afternoon to the doctor's and I asked my son if I could come in with him. So we would know more at the end of the day, but regardless of what the doctor says, I will have him tested . I will keep you posted.

Thank you again, and keep us in your mind.

25-03-21, 23:26
Just little update: The doctor saw us ( I asked my son if he would allow me speaking with the doctor for just a couple of minutes), and he said that rape trauma is physically visible, so he wanted to look at him. I left and after a while, the doctor called me back, and said that nothing points to any kind of assault, but my son does have a couple of hemorrhoids. He also said: we can test for everything in a couple of weeks, but I really do not think it is necessary. He said to my son: if you decide you want to test, just come back. I do not see any reason for that, but I do see reason for some therapy regarding such drinking, and we should talk about that.

I was calmed down, and so was my son. Everything looks brighter, and my son actually physically feels completely back to normal. Thank you Scass and Nancy for your concerns and compassion.

26-03-21, 00:19
Lana, I’m relieved to hear that. What a worrying thing to go through as a parent.

Will send positive thoughts your way and hopefully your son will consider stepping away from the bottle for a bit. It could very well be a much needed wake up call for him. So glad he’s alright!

26-03-21, 01:02
Thank goodness. I too think this may be a wakeup call.

26-03-21, 02:48
That’s good to hear.
Your son sounds like a lovely young man and you are lucky to have such a good relationship.

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26-03-21, 08:03
I've been following this thread, but had nothing helpful to say as it wasn't a situation I knew anything about, but I am so glad to hear that the outcome was a good one. I think you are doing a fabulous job Lana, and are such a sensitive and thoughtful loving parent, I'm sure you and your son will work everything out in the long term and are blessed to have such a fabulous relationship.

26-03-21, 08:27
I'm so relieved for you, Lana..Thank goodness the worst didn't happen. Your doctor sounds wonderful and I'm sure your son will benefit from the psychological support he can offer.

It's so hard watching loved ones suffer but you've taken the very best care of him and have got him medically assessed as soon as you could. He's very lucky to have you as his Mum.

26-03-21, 08:30
I'm glad you've been able to get some sort of resolution on this, Lana. You sound like such a brilliant mother!

26-03-21, 20:46
Dear friends, all of you who comforted me with your words, and those who followed this story, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am not the best mother by no means, but I try, all the time. Probably like every mother out there. My son will be focusing now on graduating, and I will be trying to find some help for my raging OCD. And in a month , he willl have his ( overdue) physical, and then all the tests will be performed.

Thank you again, all!