View Full Version : Stroke fear

25-03-21, 07:23
Hello everyone. So I’ve been panicking all day now and I’m just tired. Every once in a while since Tuesday I think. I noticed one side of my tongue on the top and kinda under. Gets numb?? Feels like maybe a twitch?? I honestly couldn’t tell you. It’s the weirdest feeling. It lasts only maybe 5 seconds the most. It makes me panic and I think that I’m having a stroke because it said tongue numbness can be a sign of a stroke. I’m worried it’s a mini stroke mainly. I have been off balance but I’ve had on and off vertigo for a while now. I was just at the er a week ago for a fear I dissected my carotid artery. He did basic neurological tests like walking and raising my arms etc and said it was muscle related. But for some reason these tongue symptoms are making me want to go back to the er and I’m tired of going there. I just want this to stop. Any and all help with what this may be and how I can fight the urge to go back there cause I really don’t want to.

25-03-21, 20:00
Hello everyone. So I’ve been panicking all day now and I’m just tired. Every once in a while since Tuesday I think. I noticed one side of my tongue on the top and kinda under. Gets numb?? Feels like maybe a twitch?? I honestly couldn’t tell you. It’s the weirdest feeling. It lasts only maybe 5 seconds the most. It makes me panic and I think that I’m having a stroke because it said tongue numbness can be a sign of a stroke. I’m worried it’s a mini stroke mainly. I have been off balance but I’ve had on and off vertigo for a while now. I was just at the er a week ago for a fear I dissected my carotid artery. He did basic neurological tests like walking and raising my arms etc and said it was muscle related. But for some reason these tongue symptoms are making me want to go back to the er and I’m tired of going there. I just want this to stop. Any and all help with what this may be and how I can fight the urge to go back there cause I really don’t want to.

Is anybody there?

25-03-21, 20:10
You've had trained medical professionals give you the all clear. That's more reassurance than an internet forum can offer.


25-03-21, 20:12
I know but I went a week before I had this weird tongue symptom. I’m just worried maybe I wasn’t having one then. Idk. I’m sorry.

25-03-21, 22:01
I’m just confused as to what it is. Do mini stroke symptoms come and go within seconds?? I heard somewhere they do.

26-03-21, 02:02
Again. Any insight on this topic is appreciated.

26-03-21, 10:17
I’m sorry but I don’t have any experience with this. Just didn’t want to read and run. If you’re genuinely that concerned, possibly call your doctor and just ask them over the phone?

28-03-21, 19:46
Hello. I posted here a few days ago. My symptoms are on and off vertigo. And a vertigo feeling. Not terrible like it was Tuesday I think. But it’s still here. My main symptom is on the leftish side of the tip of my tongue. It will randomly go numb kinda? It lasts only a few seconds. Maybe like 5 to 10 seconds. I’ve been able to recreate the feeling by quickly sliding my tongue behind my upper front teeth but sometimes it doesn’t happen. So I think it’s more random. I have noticed face twitching and numbness in fingers but it’s on both sides of the body and I think that is my anxiety. However the tongue symptom is not. Nobody really gave any advice on here last post. I’m hoping some can help as it’s still eating away at me. And to clarify. I went to the er a week before I got these symptoms. I’ve had this tongue feeling for around 6 days now. Would a mini stroke or a stroke have gotten much worse by now? Would I have known by now? I heard some symptoms take days and can be subtle. Any help is appreciated.

28-03-21, 19:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

28-03-21, 20:45
I'll reiterate....

You've had trained medical professionals give you the all clear. That's more reassurance than an internet forum can offer.

Positive thoughts

28-03-21, 21:23
Would they have detected something a week prior to my symptoms though? That’s the part that I don’t get. And I want to emphasize, I wasn’t given an mri or blood work. He had me do some basic tests like touching nose and his finger walking raising my arms etc. the only reason I’m concerned is because this was a week before I started getting the symptoms with my tongue. Again I’m sorry if I sound annoying.

28-03-21, 21:33
May I ask your age?


28-03-21, 21:35
Yes I’m 22 im a male. My mom did have a stroke in her 40s. And I am very overweight however I’ve been making efforts to lose weight.

28-03-21, 21:50
Yes I’m 22 im a male.

Ok... you know what I'm going to say. A perceived numbness that lasts 5 seconds and comes and goes is not a stroke. Also your age, despite your physical condition, rules that out as well. I have a friend, a fellow cancer survivor, that is in his 50's and suffered a stroke. He was in the hospital for over a month including some rehab and he still can't use the right side of his body. It's quite safe to say you can put this to bed.

That said, with a family history, it would be prudent at your age to make lifestyle changes to prevent something serious from happening later in life. Personally at my age (62), I'm at a higher risk for stroke due to having heart disease and having radiation treatment to the left side of my neck. I eat right and walk most days. I also get a yearly ultrasound of my carotid arteries due to my real physical conditions.

Again, based on what you said and your age, I would put this to bed, start taking care of yourself both physically and mentally.


28-03-21, 22:02
Thank you for the insight. I’m definitely taking steps to better my health. It’s not easy with my health anxiety cause i just always fear it’s something serious. I always tell myself not to google symptoms but in the case with my tongue I did. And I regret it.

28-03-21, 22:04
Thank you for the insight. I’m definitely taking steps to better my health. It’s not easy with my health anxiety cause i just always fear it’s something serious. I always tell myself not to google symptoms but in the case with my tongue I did. And I regret it.

If you googled, you would know what a stroke does. That's NOT what happened to you by any stretch of the imagination. Are you currently doing anything to treat your mental health?


28-03-21, 22:12
Well it did say tongue numbness with other stroke symptoms which I do have on and off vertigo but I’ve had that for a while. So idk. Also yes. I’ve managed to better my mental health. It’s just the health anxiety that’s my biggest obstacle

28-03-21, 22:38
Well it did say......

Irrelevant! You don't have stroke symptoms not did you suffer anything of the sort. You're being hyper-aware of normal bodily anomalies and making mountains out of ant hills here. It may be prudent to discuss therapy and/or meds to help with your health anxiety. Just a quick read of some of the serial poster marathon threads here on the board should give you the motivation to do so. You're 22. I have children older than you and my daughter suffers from depression and anxiety. She goes to therapy, takes meds and while she still has her moments, she works hard on herself and she's living a very productive and happy life. You can too!

Good luck and as always....

Positive thoughts

28-03-21, 23:11
I think what scared me was that I never felt it before. A numb tip of the tongue or whatever it is. It really startled me. But I will do my best in terms of bettering my mental health. I’m sorry for all of the stupid questions

28-03-21, 23:37
No need to apologize. Just take to heart the real issue and address it ;)