View Full Version : Would you walk the Pacific Crest Trail?

25-03-21, 16:20
These folk did and it looks VERY cool. I'd love to do it with a couple of people. Who's up for it? :roflmao:


25-03-21, 16:22
2,650 mile journey ... you could walk the perimeter of the UK which is over 7,000 miles.

25-03-21, 16:39
If you’ve never read or watched “Wild” - I recommend it. Great book, just an ok movie. But also about the PCT. I would love to walk parts of it, looks gorgeous. In my current shape, I’d never make the whole trek lol. But would love to see some of the scenery someday!!

25-03-21, 16:43
Glassgirl, just because you've been talking about your fear of flying...

Nope, could never do the trail. Wish I could but my fear of heights would cripple me and I'd land up sobbing my heart out clutching the grass like a lifeline.

25-03-21, 16:46
Glassgirl, just because you've been talking about your fear of flying...

Nope, could never do the trail. Wish I could but my fear of heights would cripple me and I'd land up sobbing my heart out clutching the grass like a lifeline.

I totally understand that. It’s so odd, I have no fear of heights. Love visiting the mountains in Colorado and looking out over everything on a clear day. I think my fear of flying is a control thing, I’m not in control of the plane. And I don’t understand the mechanics enough to see how that massive ton of metal stays up in the air for that long. :roflmao:

25-03-21, 16:48
I'd get tired driving it.

25-03-21, 17:11
The mexian desert looks brutal. In another video one guy was so hot he was hallucinating. He had a panic attack in the middle of the desert and was constantly checking his pulse.

30-03-21, 14:01
Hey Wired! Ready when you are!

We could start with the Appalachian Trail as a primer if you like 👍

30-03-21, 18:31
Hey Wired! Ready when you are!

We could start with the Appalachian Trail as a primer if you like 👍

That's a beautiful trail too and seems to cut out a lot of the danger spots that you'd find on the PCT. I'd be up for that first.

Ok that's 1. Who else?

30-03-21, 19:05
Oh absolutely. I'd also be up for the Appalachian trail and would love to do the TransZion trek.

30-03-21, 19:09
That's a beautiful trail too and seems to cut out a lot of the danger spots that you'd find on the PCT. I'd be up for that first.

Ok that's 1. Who else?

I've hiked many miles of the AT from NY to GA and camped along the way since my teens. In fact, it was hiking the AT in the Shenandoah National Park that brought me to VA.

During Spring break in my senior year in HS, 3 of my buddies and I planned a hike and decided on the Shenandoah. The plan was to start at Big Meadows and hike North 10+ miles to one of the 4 Admiral Byrd shelters, pitch camp and spend the next several days exploring the area. We drove the 50+ miles to Big Meadows and by the time we got there it was dark (we had stopped at almost every overlook along the way ;)) We slept in the car at the wayside, got up at dawn and hit the trail behind the lodge. About 100 yards or so North was a side trail that led to an overlook called Black Rock. Picture this.... Mid May, not a cloud in the sky as we walked to the overlook. The sun was just peaking over thr ridge and there was the Shenandoah Valley in this golden yellow/orange glow. That was it. I fell in love with this place.

All these years later, it still has the same mystique and spiritual draw it had when I first saw it. Now, we live literally 1.5 miles from the entrance to Skyline Drive and I've performed in the Park at the two resorts for the last ten years (sans last year and so far this year due to COVID).

I'm afraid though, at my age and physical condition, hiking the entire trail (Maine to Georgia) is out of the question but I still enjoy and can do day hikes and overnight trips.


30-03-21, 22:01
It must be beautiful to live so close. These are the sort of views I'd love to see in person just once. Do you ever go out into the open with your guitar? That would bliss.

Thank you for sharing that Fishmanpa.