View Full Version : ibs pains??

26-03-21, 12:18
Hi i’ve recently been diagnosed with ibs after i’ve had ongoing stomach pain for over 2 months now it all started mainly on the 19th january around that time i had sharp pains on my lower right hand side of my tummy and i initially thought appendicitis or my ovaries playing up (i used to get cysts) my doctor sent me for an ultra sound pelvis and transvaginal which came back with normal but just a small cyst on my left ovary that shouldn’t cause pain, since then i’ve been worried about my appendix the pains gotten worse week by week i’ve been to a&e a stupid amount of times had an x-ray and multiple blood tests both at my gp surgery and the hospital, the surgical team then sent me for an abdominal and pelvic mri which came back clear and i had another abdominal ultra sound which was clear too, nothing wrong. the doctors have put it down to ibs pains but my pain seems to be so localised to my lower right hand side and around my hip sometimes near my belly button and occasional pain on my left but hardly any. I am mainly constipated (less than 4 times a week) but i’ve hardly been eating because i am so worried i have health anxiety and i suffer with anxiety and panic disorder too. Weeks prior to this pain i was having panic attacks day in day out for no reason other than how anxious i was i was suffering with crippling anxiety and agoraphobia and didn’t leave the house. Then since this pain has come on the only thing i’ve been doing is laying in bed i’ve lost over a stone in weight and now weigh 7 stone 3 pounds due to not eating or moving. The pain is only getting worse despite all the negative tests and i cannot take my doctors word for it when they say you don’t have appendicitis! I don’t want to accept that it’s not then end up in hospital it’s my worst nightmare :( i am very frightened as the pain isn’t going away i aren’t exercising, aren’t walking, it hurts sometimes when i walk i’m hardly eating i just need some advice on what to do i’m stuck in a rut and i’m convinced there’s something really wrong with me.

26-03-21, 12:19
Hi i’ve recently been diagnosed with ibs after i’ve had ongoing stomach pain for over 2 months now it all started mainly on the 19th january around that time i had sharp pains on my lower right hand side of my tummy and i initially thought appendicitis or my ovaries playing up (i used to get cysts) my doctor sent me for an ultra sound pelvis and transvaginal which came back with normal but just a small cyst on my left ovary that shouldn’t cause pain, since then i’ve been worried about my appendix the pains gotten worse week by week i’ve been to a&e a stupid amount of times had an x-ray and multiple blood tests both at my gp surgery and the hospital, the surgical team then sent me for an abdominal and pelvic mri which came back clear and i had another abdominal ultra sound which was clear too, nothing wrong. the doctors have put it down to ibs pains but my pain seems to be so localised to my lower right hand side and around my hip sometimes near my belly button and occasional pain on my left but hardly any. I am mainly constipated (less than 4 times a week) but i’ve hardly been eating because i am so worried i have health anxiety and i suffer with anxiety and panic disorder too. Weeks prior to this pain i was having panic attacks day in day out for no reason other than how anxious i was i was suffering with crippling anxiety and agoraphobia and didn’t leave the house. Then since this pain has come on the only thing i’ve been doing is laying in bed i’ve lost over a stone in weight and now weigh 7 stone 3 pounds due to not eating or moving. The pain is only getting worse despite all the negative tests and i cannot take my doctors word for it when they say you don’t have appendicitis! I don’t want to accept that it’s not then end up in hospital it’s my worst nightmare :( i am very frightened as the pain isn’t going away i aren’t exercising, aren’t walking, it hurts sometimes when i walk i’m hardly eating i just need some advice on what to do i’m stuck in a rut and i’m convinced there’s something really wrong with me.

26-03-21, 12:24

I'm sorry you're having an awful time, but it's generally best to only post in one place at a time. People will still see it and respond, even if it takes a little while (I'm on my lunchbreak here and it's a quiet day at work.)

Secondly, maybe try using paragraphs? It'll make it a lot easier for people to read, and they'll be more likely to respond.

With all that said... IBS pain can definitely be localised to the lower right quadrant, and while I believe chronic appendicitis can happen, it's really unlikely you would have had this consistently for two months and still be alive. IBS can hurt like heck, so it may be better for you to accept the words of your doctors and maybe have a look at some different ways of managing your anxiety.

26-03-21, 13:00

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

26-03-21, 19:38
sorry i’ve never used this website before so didn’t really understand how it works will keep it in mind from now on!

i’m really struggling at the minute i’ve been worried about chronic appendicitis and i don’t know what to do anymore when i’ve started going on walks it has hurt me and ached sometimes the pain isn’t there as much, sometimes too when i lay on either side that hurts me and even when i lay flat it hurts i can’t even win!

i’ve tried to start eating more healthy too as i’m fed up of not eating just because of the pain at the beginning i felt quite sick with it all the time now that’s worn off and i do have an appetite again. I’ve tried to take more vitamins too and i drink ginger tea as well and take peppermint capsules anything i can to settle the pain but it still seems to be there a lot. It is also sometimes tender to press on and the area sometimes swells but i think that’s when i’m gassy.

Would something like appendicitis have shown on a mri scan or ultra sound i’m so fed up now of going back and forth from a&e and hopsital appointments in general just want my life back again :(

26-03-21, 20:26
Are you doing anything to manage your anxiety?

26-03-21, 23:44
Anxiety is directly tied to your digestive system. It can definitely cause symptoms like you’re describing. You’ve been examined by doctors and told you’re fine, so now you should start trying to learn how to reduce the anxiety. I think you’ll find many of your symptoms ease!

28-05-21, 21:56
I could have wrote this myself, except my lower right abdominal pain has been every month lasting a couple of days for 2 years!, I also get a rising bulge in that area too, I’ve gone to the doctors loads cause as yourself I always worried that it was my appendix, after blood test they ruled it out. I recently convinced them to FINALLY send me for a ultrasound which was clear. But today my pain is back and I’ve rang and spoke to them again and they’re going to get me in to see them in the next 2 weeks so fingers crossed they can get to the bottom of this horrible pain I’ve been having for so long!

hope you’re well x