View Full Version : Lump in groin

26-03-21, 15:27
My groin area was sore (both sides) but i had helped move some stuff & probably the cause. However, i went poking around. I found a tender lump if i pressed firmly. Tbh i can remember my original findings bc ive been obsessing over it. Now its pea size and doesnt move. If i lay down i can feel it slightly & it does move. I had my husband feel it & he said its fine & stop checking. Wish i could. I hate google.
In my head im trying to convince myself that if it were sinister i wouldnt have to look for it. Ive also read about hernias so thats a fear too now. However it doesnt get bigger when i cough. I am female. Think i should just visually observe for a while? Hernia or bad node would probably be visible im assuming. When i get in a spiral, logic evades me :(

26-03-21, 15:31
Listen to your husband ;)


26-03-21, 15:53
If I poke and prod I can feel lumps and bumps everywhere. If you know it’s something that you will obsess over when you find one, it’s best to just not go looking! You have a clear cause and effect here - you were moving things and your muscles are just sore.

26-03-21, 17:04
So true. I need to quit checking. I know in reality ominous things usually present without searching for them. Just have to implement logic.lol thank you

27-03-21, 04:33
I cant say ive been great & not checked all day. However i did limit it a lot, and its much smaller now. One day i may learn how these things go. Reading back over my numerous posts helped this time. Same pattern, same result.
I do appreciate this site so very much. Im sure im not alone in thinking people around me (who truly love me) just dont understand HA. My poor husband deserves a medal. 🤣
So thank you again. 💕