View Full Version : extremely worried about dental x ray

27-03-21, 21:43
i've had dental x ray 2 days ago but the clinic didn't perform on my root canal case and said go to more advanced clinic - i have 3 roots that are infected inflamed or something -

any clinic will require another dental xray and i think it's way way dangerous to take another one since i already took one 2 days ago!

AND in the root canal treatment please guys tell me they won't take multiple x rays throughout the 2-3 sessions!!!

what to do? do i wait a month at least? it's really too much if i took another x ray in this short period of time

27-03-21, 21:49
Yes they will, they have to. The xrays are way way way less dangerous then risking the infection going through your body and killing you.

Let them do their work, they are the professionals.

27-03-21, 21:57
Yes they will, they have to. The xrays are way way way less dangerous then risking the infection going through your body and killing you.

Let them do their work, they are the professionals.

NOW i'm more scared and worried!!! infection killing??
they have to like they will take a lot of xrays???

27-03-21, 22:10
STOP. You have an infection, letting the infection go is MORE dangerous than getting a couple xrays.
Go get this taken care of and put it behind you.

27-03-21, 23:07
STOP. You have an infection, letting the infection go is MORE dangerous than getting a couple xrays.
Go get this taken care of and put it behind you.

Exactly! I'm a cancer survivor. I had radiation treatment 5 days a week for 6 weeks and a CT scan at the same time. Enough radiation to burn the skin off my neck and turn my throat into mush. A couple of x-rays at the dentist's office is like a 5 minute tanning session ;)


28-03-21, 15:37
Oh goodness, I've lost count of the number of dental x-rays I've had, must be in the hundreds. My mouth is full of root canals and crowns. I've had an implant and am pending another one, they take ct scans for these. And there are the routine ones they take once a year. And because my mouth is so small and I hate having x-rays because they are so big, they usually have to take them multiple times because I won't/can't open my mouth wide enough.

Yes, they will take multiple xrays when you have your r/c. They need to make sure they get the root cleaned to the tip. But the amount of radiation you receive is tiny and the digital x-rays they use are much safer than the old fashioned kind they used to use.

28-03-21, 15:41
Don't worry the radiation from a dental x ray is really, really tiny.
Root treatment is a totally standard procedure and they need to take a few xrays to see the roots then to check they have filled the roots right to the tip
the infection won't spread but the tooth could become painful or swollen if you don't get the treatment finished.
You'll be totally fine ☺️