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View Full Version : Heart Anxiety 😥 Football, Exercise, sudden deaths.

28-03-21, 14:11
Hey people,

Haven't been on here for so long, and I think mainly lockdown hasn’t helped with my health anxiety. Long story short I’ve had heart anxiety for around 13 years, around 10 years ago I had every single test going and everything was fine. What I’m worried about is in that 10 years there’s a chance my heart has suffered more damage. I’ve drank a lot over them 10 years and unfortunately due to being young and naive have taken some Drugs.

I’m 32 years old now and really want to get back playing football but I’m so scared I’ll collapse on the pitch due to heart issues relating to mistreating my body. I no longer take anything other then a few beers now and again and I drink more water than anything, I’ve changed my lifestyle and go on 5k walks everyday and eat healthy. I also dropped people who was bad for me out my life! I would love to have all the heart tests again but I’m sure my dr would just laugh at me.

I don’t need to know what I’ve done wrong as past is past and it’s firmly staying there I guess I’m just after some advice going forward, I still suffer with palpitations, bad anxiety days etc but I do work full time as a sales manager, live alone and have a good life. It doesn’t help when another pro footballer who was playing for 13 years just found out he has ARVC because he collapsed at football now he has to retire at 28 years old! Just scary!

any help appreciated!

Thank you 😊

28-03-21, 15:20
You will be fine 👍 you sound like you live a really good, healthy lifestyle and so many people have done the same as you when they were younger I'm sure you've not done any lasting damage.
I know it's hard to get the worry out of your mind but get back out there and go play football don't let the anxiety stop you from doing what you enjoy. 👍
Maybe speak to your gp about your worries and anxiety too they are there to help 😊

28-03-21, 16:06
Stop reading about the rare cases of people having issues first of all.

You'll be fine. And if you're not, playing football won't have caused it anyway.

For the record, most professional sportspeople have heart issues due to steroid use.

28-03-21, 16:49
Thank you for your kind reply! Yeah I guess most people have done stupid stuff when you get, it was only now be again nothing major �� I still drink but no where near as much and the last 2 months I’ve lost 12lbs in weigh from walking most days. I’m apprehensive to go play football but we’ve got a friendly match Thursday night so I’ll keep you updated how it went ☺️ Again thank you!

28-03-21, 16:54
You are welcome 😊 hope your team win! 👍

28-03-21, 18:09
You're not going to be another Fabrice Muamba, Rossi.

Enjoy your match on Thursday!

29-03-21, 11:50
Think of the thousands of people who play football and dont have any problems other than the usual aches and pains....

you hear about the issues you are worried about because they are rare.

If you are starting exercise it doesn't hurt to tell your doctor and ask them if you are fit to exercise.