View Full Version : Just to share....

29-03-21, 16:54
Haven't visited the site for a long long time but as my anxiety has been so much worse of late decided to give it a look. PHEW!! is all I can say. Dont know if my anxiety is better or worse now. What a task just getting logged back on..of course forgotten my password after time away. After numerous attempts im finally here. I'm trying to negotiate my way around things once again...not easy for those of us of a certain generation who were not born into all this sort of stuff. Anyways I think it has helped a bit reading other peoples stories realising I am not alone..if only a distraction from just thinking too much and an excuse to take a break from the incessant cleaning that seems to have gripped my during lockdown..don't be deceived my friends I am not always this active,couldnt get out of bed yesterday..but thats a different story as I'm sure you're all too familiar with..Just like to say thanks for letting me share..If anyone responds I'm not always one ro react straight off..but good to know you're here when needed. Best wishes to all.

29-03-21, 17:11
I hope things improve for you and welcome back.

29-03-21, 20:59
Oh Darkdays that's a shame your not always that active l would of invited you to mine after lockdown especially if you like cleaning 😆 its good you have come back here it helps you, I'm always back and too to NMP its always got me through some tough times, and as you will know beautiful kind people who go out the way to help what a great forum it is xx