View Full Version : I'm back in a dark place...

31-03-21, 15:20
Hey all, it's my first time posting here in a while as things were going really well, my partner gave birth to our son 3 months ago and I had control over my panic attacks and my anxiety (despite the pandemic) however on Monday I received some news that my anxiety spiralling out of control, I was visiting my grandparents on Sunday with my baby boy and my Auntie was there, we weren't in the house long and we didn't have much contact with my Auntie but on Monday she tested positive for Covid, ever since I have been a mess worrying that my baby has Covid and that he is going to get really sick, I got myself tested today just to be on the safe side however I would really rather not have my son tested as he is only 3 months old, I guess I'll wait and see what my test results say before me and my partner make the decision on having him tested, it's been 3 days since we came into contact with my Auntie and we're both feeling fine, no symptoms so far so fingers crossed we're going to be ok, now I just need to make it through the next 24 hours until I get my results.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my thread and hear me out.

31-03-21, 15:39
I hope you will feel better soon and best of luck with the test results and wish your family a speedy recovery.

Congratulations on the birth of your son :)