View Full Version : Your opinion would be apreciated! new sufferer

08-11-07, 16:44
Hi The past 8 weeks have been hell for me and my partner! not only have we gone through many forms of symptom without knowing what was wrong we are flying off to get married on 16th Nov and im really worried this will all come to a head when we get to our destination. Anyway i can honestly say that the wedding is not the reason i am like this now i cant wait for it.

Anyway on day one of all this i got home from work and felt really tired and low on blood sugar, i ate which dindnt help and after about 30 mins i collapsed (still concious) shaking, cold, sweating etc. This then was followed by a week of this always happening either mid afternoon or at night. Then i started getting a tinny taste in my moth and a feeling that made my head feel hyper, my jaw swollen, dizzyness, trembling muscles mainly legs and loss of energy. I have now been diagnosed with anxiety which in its self has been a big shock to me as i always believed i was laid back and head strong. ive had every blood test, urine test and a CT scan and nothing except a slightly low white blood count and slightly low pottasium level. This tinny taste and the tight / hyper head/ jaw feeling is starting to wear me down and make me think that something else is wrong and its not anxiety causing this but something causing the anxiety. unfortunately the doctor has had enough of my visits every few days and keeps saying ive got anxiety. im now on Mirtazapine and have felt no change after 2 weeks and have a back up of diazapam which does help but only covers up the underlying problem. If anyone has had a simalar experience to mine please get in touch and give me some advice

08-11-07, 16:47

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

I have unlocked your thread otherwise no one will be able to reply to it and ive removed the other one as it was posted twice

Take care

Trac xxx

08-11-07, 18:58
Hello Jo,

Welcome to the site. Hava a good read on the left side of the forum. Theres loads of things there that will help you.

Remember you aren't alone.

08-11-07, 20:03
Hi and a warm welcome,

I could have posted most of your message myself.

I too have been suffering for about the past 8 weeks, started by me having the flu then deciding every sympton I had was life threatning, I too have been moaned at by my doctor for going in too many times, I have had 2 x ecgs, chest xray, bloods and they also say Anxiety I am slowly getting my head used to the idea that I guess it is. Its so not like me, but unfortunately happens to the best of us they say we are only inches away from something to trigger it. Doc has put me on Citalopram, 6 days in and feel crap. Hey ho riding it out say takes 2 weeks to get into system.

Chin up, your not alone and here's to recovery, careful with the Diazepam they are highly addictive.

Take care x

08-11-07, 20:14
Hey thanks for the reply i think ive been in denial about anxiety ever since it was first mentioned. some days i say ok it is the next im getting angry and saying it isnt! my symptoms seem to go in cycles. im on about day 4 of the hyper around jaw and head with metal taste in mouth at mo and its the worst of them all! mirtazipam hasnt made a blind bit of difference yet after 2 weeks so took my first diazapam yesterday as thats my rescue drug if its really bad. seemed to work yesterday but when took today it didnt so well!

I dont know you but i was a succesful health club manager for 10 years and worked my ass off. once i settled down with a family i changed career to a slower passed job so i could spend more time at home and relax! hmmm to that it seems slowing down has caused this problem as have to much time to dwell on things! i have to say it makes a huge difference hearing that others are in exactly the same boat constantly questioning themselves and fearing the worst. as for doctors maybe if they took the time out to actually educate us on this condition maybe we would accept it!

08-11-07, 21:29
Hi Jon

Wecome to the site - i hope you find it as reassurring as i have.
Anxiety and panic attacks are very hard to deal with sometimes - particularly when you dont or wont accept that all the horrible symptoms you have are all down to anxiety. Acceptance is the key to recovery - and it wont happen overnight. Have you read anything about it??? if not, of course, read all this site and Claire Week's books are excellent - they are available on Amazon. She explains things very well and advises on how to recover.

Hope you feel better soon


12-11-07, 03:01
I don't mean to interject here but.....It could be the flying..the destination or the wedding causing you to feel anxiety.. You are probably in your 20's and finding that you are about to experience a life changing event.. a wedding..

Most stressful things in life..

Loss of a child,spouse,parent
Birth of a child

Think about it and see if this makes any sense whatsoever.

First time I found out that I had anxiety to the extreme and thought it was everything but...was the birth of my second child.They tested me for everything. I experienced everything you mentioned and thousands of others. I finally accepted it for what it was and got over it.Next time it was 30 years later after a major disaster and I didn't even realise it had affected me.
Good LucK to you.