View Full Version : Hard Lump in Gum?

01-04-21, 06:14
Hi everyone,
I’ve unfortunately been in a bit of a health panic again. I had to have a tooth pulled in January due to an abscess that was forming, causing me really severe pain. The healing has been pretty good, but about two weeks ago, I noticed a bump had developed close to the extraction hole. It doesn’t hurt unless I kind of poke at it, and it isn’t movable or anything like that. I noticed a few other forum posts about something similar, and I’m wondering if this is likely bone regrowth shifting into place? It’s grown smaller/less noticeable since I first noticed it. I’ve been trying not to poke at it or get too worked up, because I don’t want to disturb potentially normal healing... I had a dentist appointment scheduled for next week that I unfortunately have to reschedule, and the anticipation is making me worry more. :(

01-04-21, 06:51
Not a dentist, but I suspect that's part of the normal healing process. I had a similar thing happen when I had a tooth removed. Doctor told me it was the gum just swelling up a little bit.

If the pain persists, get light pain meds, but if it's starting to be unbearable, call your dentist.

If you think it's cancer, I can assure you it's not. A round hard lump visibly white from the outside is a sign of cancer. But even if it is, it can easily be removed without surgery.

01-04-21, 08:41
Don't worry it will be part of the healing process nothing to stress about.
The bone around extraction can take a while to heal/resorb and can feel a bit lumpy/bumpy for a while👍
Try not poking at it, easier said than done I know as once your tongue finds something in your mouth it will keep going to it 👍