View Full Version : For Glassgirlw...

01-04-21, 13:49
Just wanted to start a thread for Glassgirlw who has just lost her beloved Grandma..

Thinking of you xxxx

01-04-21, 15:09
Thank you, Pulisa. Very much appreciated. :flowers:

01-04-21, 19:29
This is a nice idea P.

Sending love Glassgirl x

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02-04-21, 10:47
Sending you love and hugs glassgirlw :hugs: xx

02-04-21, 11:05
So sad losing your grandma,sending you love:flowers::hugs:

02-04-21, 11:52
You all are so sweet - I really do appreciate the thoughts. We all go through loss in our lives, I have before and will again - I think some losses just hit us harder than others. This is one I’ve been dreading for years. I’m fortunate to still have my parents, but this is what I imagine it will feel like to lose one. She was like another mom to me. For a lot of years, was far closer with my grandma than my own father. But - we’ll get through it, and I know she’s in a much better place now, no more suffering.

thank you all again, it means a lot to have people I can visit with on here and get support from.

02-04-21, 12:50
Virtual :hugs: and :flowers: from my tiny little corner of the UK, Glassgirlw.

03-04-21, 02:58
So sorry to hear you have lost your gran, glassgirl. Being there at the end when she needed you would have meant so much to her and whether she was conscious or not she would know you were there. Hopefully that will in some way help you to deal with your grief knowing you did all you could to support her.

From what you have told us in the other thread she sounds like a great woman who I suspect imprinted much in you as to the kind of person you grew up to be. So there will always be a part of her with you.


03-04-21, 03:01
I absolutely believe she knew we were all around her for the last few days. She may not have been able to tell us, but she knew. I had many conversations with her over the last few days (very one sided, but it’s ok!!) and just kept telling her it was ok to pass on, we would be fine. She passed in her sleep, comfortable and not in pain. That’s all we could ask for.

07-04-21, 18:02
I hope you are managing to cope with everything, glassgirl..

Just wanted to say hello :hugs:

07-04-21, 19:47
Thinking of you here too glassgirl :hugs:

08-04-21, 02:13
Thank you, Fishman. Today was the funeral service. Very small and private. Got up and spoke about grandma, was rough but got through it. Back to work tomorrow and hopefully as the schedule returns to normal, things will get easier daily.

08-04-21, 06:39
I would everyone stepping up to speak at a funeral is on the edge of bursting into tears. It's going to hit your emotions like a train. You did well and just think how much it would mean to your family and how proud she would be of you. From the experiences you've told us about I thought she sounded like the family matriarch.

At my nana's funeral (I was about 20 at the time) I held it together but once that coffin was lowered into the crematorium it hit me big time.

:hugs: to you, glassgrl. You know where we are if you need some support.

08-04-21, 10:57
Well done for getting up and speaking glassgirlw. I did that for my mum and you probably felt like it was something you wanted to do to honour her. You should be very proud glassgirlw. x :hugs:

08-04-21, 11:01
I'm always in awe of anyone who can stand up and speak at a funeral - its a major undertaking and very emotionally charged. Huge congratulations on your strength to get through it, I'm sure you did her proud having made the speech.

08-04-21, 18:23
Hugs for Glassgirlw...

I am happy to send you a big hug, I lost my mum 18 months ago. It's still very sore and hard to deal with.
My heart goes out to you. xx:bighug1:

09-04-21, 17:31
I am so sorry. That is such a difficult loss to bear. I hope that your day back at work is a stress-free as possible and that you have a relaxing and contemplative weekend. :flowers: